Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [noun] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Truman 's new secretary of state , James F. Byrnes , was at first serenely confident that he could carry on the Roosevelt approach to Stalin with the American nuclear monopoly in reserve in his " hip pocket " , and with no automatic supporting role for the British .
2 The seller of the goods may wish to simply pass on the interest charges to the customer , or may wish to push up the price of the product and market it as zero interest finance .
3 and I was er , I try and switch the machine on it would n't come on , I thought what 's going on here , so I said to Sue , ca n't switch the machine on Sue what 's going on here ? , anyway , apparently the power supply to the machine was a bit dicky , the
4 ‘ Hey , beautiful ! ’ the proctologist , back aboard Wavebreaker at sunset , called down the companionway steps to where Ellen was tearing apart a lettuce for the evening meal .
5 When they leave here they will probably stroll down the Rue Catinat to the riverside .
6 This sophisticated-looking arrangement actually proved very simple to adjust — you just loosen the recessed screws with a coin and move the belt and harness up or down the base plat to the position you want , then retighten the screws .
7 Meanwhile police are trying to find out who was driving the car when it travelled down the country lane to Stonebench .
8 The funeral cortege , began moving solemnly down the country road to Laoag 's 17th Century cathedral .
9 Then she went down the branch line to Port Penrhyn .
10 You could even get an off-line-reader to cut down the phone bills to hardly anything .
11 Hopefully much will be computerised like the FAA 's at present , where the form and the ECG go down the phone line to America .
12 The material is fired down the telephone lines to ICL in Manchester on completion .
13 Peter Lunnen , who took the call , said at Shrewsbury Crown Court that as he shouted down the telephone line to Mrs Wilks , he heard her speaking in the distance .
14 Oxford 's Radcliffe Infirmary has developed new technology that could save lives : it 's called image link and it allows images from hospital scanners to be transmitted down the telephone line to a consultant at the Infirmary .
15 Frank confirmed that as a boy visiting relatives in the region there had been many of the old ships still about , so Brian and I decided we 'd go there , then sail down the US coast to the Caribbean , through the Panama Canal and head west to the Revillagigedo Islands which Brian had decided were his .
16 When you can manage this too , then begin cutting down the rest intervals to one minute .
17 Therefore , in the test runs described in the next chapter we cut down the utterance length to no more than 10 words .
18 Despite allaying concerns felt by some teachers , the adviser did not play down the accountability purpose to the exercise , nor was the self-appraisal presented as much more than providing factual information and describing their policy and practice .
19 He walked down the station approach to the main road , where he turned right .
20 Philip ran down the bracken bank to the gate and watched him run down the field to Mrs Wright who was walking slowly down the field .
21 Eventually passed on Dec. 20 the budget increased public spending by 5.3 per cent to F1,217,700 million , while holding down the budget deficit to F90,000 million , a reduction of F10,000 million from 1989 [ see p. 36707 ] .
22 Going down the cinder path to the screen in the dark , with our one feeble torch , was always horrendous because of the rats scuttling across the path .
23 She darted for the open doors and down the stone step to the garden .
24 But it is so vindictively cold in this ill-lit room , and my alabaster hand aches so much from the thousands of words I have put down on this unhappy day , and my head still throbs , and my stomach is so empty , and my grief is so heavy , that I think it would be wise of me to break off at this point , this hinge , blow out the once again guttering candle and for the third time today go down the stone stairs to streets where it is always February .
25 I ran off down the hill to our street and went down the back alley-way to Julie 's , so my mum would n't see me .
26 People without any political bias have given honest evidence and enabled the Select Committee to produce the report , which was a genuine effort to draw to the attention of the Government their folly in running down the coal industry to the extent that they are planning to do .
27 Carrefour gave them a wide grin , and stepped down the shadow path to their leader .
28 He was tempted to fling open the carriage door , with its new leather strap , and roll down the shingle embankment to freedom .
29 He stretched stiffly , climbed out and clambered down the steel ladder to the hangar floor .
30 I went out of the front door and down the area steps to the basement entrance .
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