Example sentences of "[adv] [be] see on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Today it is possible to experience places and events which even thirty years ago could only be seen on the pages of geography textbooks .
2 Rehearsal time for the cast would be limited , just a few days together in a church hall with sticky tape on the floor and a few odd props to suggest sets that will only be seen on the Friday .
3 Again , the red jerboa sign can just be seen on the small housing immediately above the elongated ‘ 0 ’ of ‘ 10 ’ on the skirt armour of the nearest tank .
4 What the X-rays reveal , which can not be seen on the surface , are the soldered joins at the neck , handle and base as well as around the hole for the missing spout .
5 Leave plenty of breathing space between each section of speech so that your audience is not bombarded with too much information at a time , and do n't allow the commentary to describe things which can already be seen on the screen ; instead , use it to complement the pictures and provide additional ( but relevant ) information .
6 This , one of the dominant plants of the undrained Fens , can still be seen on the roofs of some of the houses between Ely and Newmarket .
7 Now owned and operated by ICONA , the aircraft was formerly C-FIZZ , part of the Canadian-based Avalon Aviation fleet ( FP , October 90 , p61 ) , traces of its fire-bombing code ‘ 795 ’ can still be seen on the forward fuselage .
8 Even though more than three hundred years have gone by since the last Roundhead besieged the last Royalist ( and vice versa ) , evidence of their actions can sometimes still be seen on the ground .
9 Williams showed that it would be much better to concentrate on attacking U-boats which could still be seen on the surface , with a depth-charge setting of 25 feet , and ignore those which had had time to submerge , because of the uncertainty in knowing their exact position .
10 Evidence of the lipstick could also be seen on the butts of several cigarettes which lay crushed in a large ashtray on the table .
11 This reduction in pleural thickening could also be seen on the chest x ray ( Fig 5 ) making it very likely that the pleural thickening noted initially in October 1990 and thought then to be unimportant was neoplastic from the outset .
12 Most brachiopods were attached to the substrate by a stalk , and the hole through which the stalk entered the shell can often be seen on the fossils .
13 Frenzied swarms of small black beetles can often be seen on the surface of still ponds and lakes .
14 In a hundred years ' time a solitary figure might well be seen on a lonely road gazing down into the valley , wondering about ‘ Little Hintock ’ .
15 Obviously , this represents a major breakthrough in the industry , the benefits of which will initially be seen on the running tracks , but which will eventually move into tennis .
16 Most will never be seen on the screen .
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