Example sentences of "[adv] [be] see [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One aspect of these changes is the strengthening view that existing boundaries between education and training are artificial and that both can better be seen as a single , lifelong process offered in different ways , to different people at different times .
2 Parler 's influence can especially be seen in the vaulting , most particularly in the stellar designs of the Sacristy and Wenceslaus Chapel .
3 I add my congratulations to my right hon. Friend and his team on what will rightly be seen in the country as an excellent result for Britain and Europe , especially on enlargement .
4 Also , once this perspective is established , any assurance from the other side of real interest in disarmament will naturally be seen as a trick , or at best as a propaganda move .
5 Once mistaken for a joker , he could henceforth be seen as a crank : an important advance in reputation , though this playful and darting mind was seldom so serious as when it was spoofing , or so earnest in intent as when making a joke .
6 They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope .
7 Towards the end of this phase bronchitis develops , characterised by mucus containing immature lungworms in the airways , which may only be seen with the aid of a low-power microscope , and by cellular infiltration of the epithelium .
8 Today it is possible to experience places and events which even thirty years ago could only be seen on the pages of geography textbooks .
9 Rehearsal time for the cast would be limited , just a few days together in a church hall with sticky tape on the floor and a few odd props to suggest sets that will only be seen on the Friday .
10 However , because of the limited scope of the Act , the east front of the India Office would only be seen at an oblique angle from the narrow King Street , and it would not have the space in front of it , as originally proposed .
11 And at whatever time of the year you visit Edinburgh , there are the art galleries and museums — though the priceless and vulnerable collection of Turner water-colours can only be seen for a short period in winter .
12 Most fungi grow as long thin threads called hyphae — they are so slender that they can only be seen under a microscope , but a mass of intertwined hyphae is visible : this is what makes up toadstools and mushrooms .
13 During autumn he puts out his invisible lines that can only be seen under the microscope of the sun beams , and he is carried into the deep ocean , a balloonist travelling to an unknown destination .
14 The trains , running up and down from London to Stanmore and back , could only be seen through the foliage as a series of silver flashes , but their singing rattle made a constant background music .
15 Despite her declaration of a state of emergency yesterday and the government 's announcement early today that the rebels had agreed to return to their barracks , the events of the last six days can only be seen as a colossal confession of weakness on Mrs Aquino 's part .
16 For the lack of overt reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ in his major speeches , and the omission of his name as a signatory to the boycott ‘ appeal ’ can only be seen as a deliberate policy to detach the Führer himself in his public image from the violent anti Jewish rhetoric and actions of which he privately approved .
17 The refugee presence in neighbouring countries made the Palestine question highly visible , while from an Arab perspective the creation of Israel could only be seen as a smack in the face of the Arab nation .
18 Although Buckingham was to take possession in most cases only as offices fell vacant , the existence of such a powerful reversionary interest could only be seen as a threat by existing office holders .
19 " The [ original ] appointment of British judges , " Wako said , " can only be seen as a transitional measure …
20 Although Buckingham was to take possession in most cases only as offices fell vacant , the existence of such a powerful reversionary interest could only be seen as a threat by existing office holders .
21 The five-year-old is un- beaten in six races over hurdles , including one over the course , and his run today can only be seen as a dress rehearsal for the Champion Hurdle next year .
22 Lord Osborne told the accused that it was a very serious offence and the happy feature of the case was that the baby had apparently not suffered very much at all in the long term — and this could only be seen as a miracle .
23 Thus recorded crime can only be seen as an indication of criminal activity .
24 Structured systems analysis and design need not only be seen as an alternative to the conventional approach .
25 It can be easily distinguished because the weft strands are left hanging at the back , and the design can only be seen from the front .
26 ‘ We can only be seen from the river , and no one 's likely to be down there at this time of night . ’
27 The animals can now only be seen in the dwindling open fields of the new territories .
28 The second argument is put forcefully by Firestone when she argues that the sexual repression Freud describes and the adoption of parent ( especially father ) figures by children which they carry through into later life can only be seen in the social context of oppressive patriarchal relations in the home .
29 Homeostasis should not necessarily be seen as a fixed state which allows no change , but one which allows change to occur in manageable stages thereby preserving a measure of continuity and security .
30 But it can perhaps be seen as an architectural expression of that scented fin de siècle fascination with the Near East that produced in this period such works as Massenet 's opera Thaïs and Strauss 's Salome and the luxuriant novels of Pierre Loti and Pierre Louys .
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