Example sentences of "[adv] [that] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 However , with one eye on s 3 of the UCTA , it would probably be prudent either to delete the words " to the Seller 's satisfaction " and perhaps also " solely " , so that the test to be met becomes an objective one , or , at the very least , to provide that the test be " to the Seller 's reasonable satisfaction " .
2 So rather than B5 — which would change to be C5 when copied one cell to the right — we use $B5 so that the reference to the project in column B remains fixed .
3 It would be possible to absorb provocation into a wider notion of ‘ extreme emotional disturbance ’ , as the American Model Penal Code does , so that the key to mitigation would be the extent of the defendant 's psychological disturbance at the time of the killing rather than the reasons for it .
4 Keep the tongue well forward , so that the entrance to the airways is not blocked .
5 Practitioners should bear in mind the obligations under the rules to serve a statement of special damages with the statement or particulars of claim , as the case may be , and the Practice Note ( QBD ) ( Personal Injury Actions : Special Damage ) ( 1984 ) 1 August ( [ 1984 ] 1 WLR 1127 ) which requires the service of particulars of special damage , in the form of a schedule if appropriate , so that the extent to which special damages are agreed may be indicated by the other parties to an action in advance of the trial .
6 It is important to realise early on that the degree to which you can let the computer get on with producing your pages automatically corresponds exactly to the amount of control over those pages that you will be able to exert as a user .
7 It 's just that the vocation to the priesthood … we need to be very prayerful about it .
8 Submissions were made that a life prisoner whose case is being referred to the judges under the ‘ first ’ consultation procedure ought to be allowed to make representations to the judges with the object of limiting his tariff , and further that the material to be placed before the judges should also be available for examination by the prisoner .
9 I knew that informed public opinion might be shifting , but also that the school to which I hoped to return as head would not yet be very different from the one which I had left as a history teacher .
10 It might be argued that , even if such a statement were true of certain of Friedman 's works , it would not necessarily reveal anything about the man himself and also that the appeal to cognition was irrelevant .
11 On the next level , there are bureaux who include recruitment campaigns as part of their forward plan , knowing confidently that the response to each campaign will attract considerably more people than they need .
12 They 've pointed out that the area to the south and the west is generally much higher agricultural land than elsewhere .
13 But now that the road to peace in Cambodia once more looks at risk , the country needs the world 's attention again .
14 Now that the answer to the mystery seemed so close , why did every instinct warn him to turn away from it ?
15 In answer to his question , the right hon. Gentleman knows very well that the commitment to income tax is one that would extend over the lifetime of the future Parliament and perhaps beyond that .
16 This is explored further in Chapter 7 , but we might note in passing here that the extent to which these contextual co-ordinates are encoded within grammar varies across languages : what is semantically signalled by grammatical means in one language is left for pragmatic inference in another .
17 If you feel very strongly that the background to the Unit 's formation needs to be set out , I could perhaps draft it in the form of an ( again brief ) annexe .
18 We saw earlier that the move to greater inequality in income had been so marked that it has triggered off a widening of other class differences ( detailed in Part I ) .
19 The drugs coverage underlined that the paper was shifting rapidly — if erratically — from its earlier goal of being a London community paper , or maybe that the community to which it was addressing itself had changed rapidly in the year since its birth .
20 Thus , ‘ It would seem then that the clue to finding real partitioning amongst goods must be to trace some underlying partitioning in society ’ ( 1980 : 907 ) .
21 ‘ We stress again that the risk to patients is minimal and there is no evidence that a patient has ever been infected with HIV from a doctor , ’ said Mr Sutherland .
22 It was but seldom that the entrance to his palace was without a corpse .
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