Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It must have been all over in a few seconds .
2 It was all over in a few minutes .
3 Battler opened up with the violin and it was all over in a few minutes .
4 They will then see what the man or woman has got left in disposable income each week ; if it 's two pounds , then it 'll be ten units x two pounds , if it 's two hundred pounds , then it 'll be ten units x two hundred pounds to hit the better off in the same proportion as the people at the bottom of the income level .
5 However this hold upon her does not seem strong , as later on in the same scene she launches into song , cleverly making the first three lines rhyme with lead !
6 Inevitably they come straight down in a few minutes looking rather sheepish !
7 Now he was lenient earlier on in the half the official when he might have shown a red card to Laws .
8 Earlier on in the same piece of writing , in the same letter to the Philippians he had said that for him to die was gain .
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