Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you carry on I 'll show you the situation worsens as we 've attempted Carrying on on the seventh floor , all the , all the other gangs are still employed working in the previous area .
2 We have n't got enough Nice to get some work started on the eighth floor because of the different activities But then again with the activities that are carrying on on the seventh floor we ca n't By the time we get round to the ninth pretty desperate .
3 Right down the other end of the pipe , please , ’ said Gurder .
4 From the board powers are frequently delegated to committees of directors or to individual board members , and thence down the managerial hierarchy .
5 They drove slowly down a narrow asphalt drive between the southern wall of the church and the railing bordering the canal , but still there was no sign of life .
6 The hours slid slowly down the great entropy slope of the universe .
7 When her aunt was dressed she walked slowly down the narrow staircase in front of her in case , in her weak state , she should stumble .
8 But now let us climb slowly down the stratigraphical column to see what other widespread facies we can find .
9 Toy trucks moved between hangars ; a minute tractor drove slowly down the main runway .
10 A ship was moving slowly down the main channel , its engines throbbing in the stillness .
11 He peered uneasily down the dark tunnel at the end of the platform and remembered something else from their past : Mother Bernie and her holes in the universe , the holes that let the Evil in .
12 Over in Ireland , BOB DYLAN got his collar felt last week when a hotel security guard accosted him as he crept stealthily down a little-used fire escape .
13 So down the wide staircase she goes , past the oak chest with its bowl of white roses on the half-landing , past the Albers squares , past the dim varnished portrait of a full-bosomed crimson gowned pearl-decked eighteenth-century woman who some take to be an ancestor , though she had in fact come with the house , down through the black and white tiled hall with its marble and gilt claw-legged table strewn with Christmas cards , gloves , and glossy free advertising magazines , and into the broad high first floor drawing-room , where sat Charles , drinking a gin and tonic , which she had expected , and talking to Esther and Alix , which she had not .
14 In practice , it is possible to send a single digitally encoded TV channel only down an optical fibre .
15 It is the same all down the Welsh border , from Cheshire down to the Severn , and thence across the Severn to the three south-western counties of Somerset , Devon and Cornwall .
16 I ran my hand gently down the bumpy back .
17 Flames licked over the straw , which crackled and flared , and the Wheel was clear of the ramp and bowling gently down the cleared path .
18 The mix is pumped gently down the inner tube , out through the bottom and up the outer tube .
19 He marched purposefully down the central aisle of the ward until he found the sister .
20 Her thoughts taking flight , Luce found they had stopped halfway down a bare stone corridor .
21 She remembered halfway down the rickety ladder stairs , but for would have been a final indignity .
22 She and Ethel were halfway down the next flight of stairs when they were suddenly joined by Bryce .
23 Johnson 's account pauses at the Fall of Fiers , today called Foyers , a little more than halfway down the south-eastern length of the Loch .
24 Whereas if we go on the back of something else or somebody else as as you were saying on on the back of a wedding er brochure or something like that , in other words , go down down a specialized avenue rather than a general one , you might achieve something better .
25 Who could say if Margaret was not better off a young widow , able yet to make a humbler and happier match ?
26 But Baldersdale does have one extra visual blessing rarely seen in the Dales — water , Hury Reservoir was built a century or so ago and it stretches sinuously up a major portion of the valley .
27 ( This makes it hard to draw any line between old and ‘ new ’ , i.e. post-Periclean , politicians in terms of social standing ; similarly we now know that the later and much-vilified demagogue Kleophon was the son of a man high enough up the social ladder to have served as a general : ML 21 . )
28 The caves of Postojna and Škocjan are notable tourist attractions , and there is even a castle , Predjamski Grad , built into the mouth of a cave halfway up a sheer limestone cliff , to which access can be gained by way of a labyrinth of underground passages .
29 Four Australians , for example , above a road to Three Spurs and halfway Up a steep hillside , once knocked out most of the men in the first of two trucks passing below the patrol .
30 It was Mama , though , who wore it in the painting halfway up the great staircase — so that all who passed by could see it and admire .
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