Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] from [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The society always received and still receives from the same surveyor a basic valuation containing a summary of some but not all the matters contained in the report to the borrower .
2 The client still operates from the same premises , having negotiated a new lease at the expiry of the old one .
3 The real impact of the madrigal also dates from the same year , when Thomas East published Musica Transalpina , a collection of Italian madrigals with English translations together with one English madrigal by Byrd .
4 Our emphasis on the desirability of using the term ‘ blind ’ carefully arises from the many positive developments that have taken place over the last two decades .
5 In conjunction with considerable manual dexterity derived in part from the ability to oppose thumb and index finger which man shares with the gelada baboon and presumably derives from the same source ( picking up small objects of the diet ) , the adoption of an upright posture created the right conditions for the final emancipation of the hand from locomotion and set man on the path which led to the invention and use of tools and to material culture in general .
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