Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ spiritual sense ’ view of faith has given rise to a form of spiritual elitism in which the believer welcomes a position in which he or she has no common ground with the unbeliever , and thereby turns the sort of dismissive ‘ religious language is nonsense ’ approach of Ayer into a welcome acceptance of the divide between men and women of reason on the one hand , and those with faith on the other .
2 For the new system to be introduced properly involves a change of constitution and a further vote .
3 Patients presenting with metastasis of unknown origin have a mean life expectancy of only four months so most diagnostic methods occupy a large proportion of the patient 's remaining life and identification of the primary site only rarely influences the choice of treatment .
4 This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates in the sterling money markets and thereby influences the level of interest rates in those markets .
5 He was granted a second term by Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke in a move that effectively guarantees the existence of the Board for the foreseeable future .
6 It amounts to an agreement by Member States not to employ their veto to prevent a majority decision , and effectively represents a reversal of the Luxembourg Compromise .
7 The chief stars are Alpha or Acrux ( 0.8 ) , Beta ( 1.2 ) , Gamma ( 1.6 ) , Delta ( 2.8 ) and Epsilon ( 3.6 ) , which rather spoils the symmetry of the pattern .
8 Perhaps that is why it so effectively renders the thoughts of a people whose analysis of the world differs so radically from our own .
9 This opens the way for staff to use their ‘ professional skills ’ to implement their own ideas rather than those of the users , which effectively renders the notion of user participation meaningless ( Carr , 1987 , personal communication ; Jewell , 1975 ) .
10 It presumably represents an epoch of geomorphological maturity and plate stability .
11 The fact that this is indeed found to be the case powerfully corroborates the theory of development being advanced in these pages and demonstrates that the apparent absence of the latency phenomenon as we know it among primitive people like the Australian aborigines is no proof of the falsity of the idea of latency as such .
12 The gene determines a protein sequence that influences X that influences Y that influences Z that eventually influences the wrinkliness of the seed or the cellular wiring up of the nervous system .
13 Forget the old adage about non-stop bicycling ; the growing Community badly needs a decade of constitutional calm .
14 While , understandably , this mild recommendation was all they could make in the circumstances , there is no disguising the fact that , for the next five years at least , non-advanced further education in Wales badly needs the infusion of more resources .
15 Appelt successfully utilizes the characteristics of platinum printing and negative printing as part of his interpretation of — and homage to — Ezra Pound .
16 Natalie , who is married , additionally has the problem of keeping the situation from her husband , Sinclair .
17 RARELY has the House of Commons witnessed such a muddle .
18 Hence if the construction of the building which is to be the catering premises shuts out light to the adjoining premises it thereby infringes the rights of the neighbours and gives rise to a cause of action for contravention of their easement of light .
19 It is the state which properly exercises the use of force in order to maintain social control , whereas it is in civil society — the family , school , work-place , church , and other non-state institutions — that hegemony operates .
20 Herein lies the significance of the actions of the press barons — Beaverbrook , Northcliffe and Rothermere — in their dealings with politicians in the 1920s and 1930s .
21 Herein lies the secret of a successful licensed dealers longevity : dealing relationships that span every class of society .
22 Herein lies the crux of the debate between the honest subjectivist and the reasonable objectivist .
23 These developments of course ( and herein lies the difficulty of gauging progress ) , may be more apparent than real .
24 Herein lies the purposes of this book .
25 Each book effectively recreates the tone of its predecessor(s) ; Asimov 's being remarkable as a novel of the 1940s written in the 1980s .
26 This is now more than $13m , 20% over budget — this , from a bank that vigorously defends the quality of its development projects .
27 There should therefore be a significant and fluctuating gravitational red shift of the pulsar period P : which numerically has an amplitude of order .
28 The novel opens like a thriller — a husband reads in the local paper that a woman 's body has been dragged from the canal — but its real purpose is to take a biopsy on the corpse of Camden ; to establish whether , beneath the litter and kitsch of its decadent streets , there still weakly beats the pulse of a community .
29 ( 4 ) Where the seller expressly reserves the right of resale in case the buyer should make default , and on the buyer making default , re-sells the goods , the original contract of sale is rescinded , but without prejudice to any claim the seller may have for damages . ’
30 The passengers were saddened by the thought that they were unlikely to see their native land again but probably neither before nor since has a group of people set out with more determination to establish a society founded on the highest principles of religion and education .
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