Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This basically refers to success in spreading genes to later populations ; even if this means damage to an individual organism 's success .
2 In this environment , the true scientist 's heart naturally turns to thoughts of revenge .
3 It is precisely because of this view that we discover the highest purpose of PATTERN PRACTICE : TO REDUCE TO HABIT WHAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO HABIT IN THE NEW LANGUAGE , so that the mind and personality may be freed to dwell in their proper realm , that is on the meaning of the communication rather than the mechanics of grammar .
4 The attempt to do so leads to abstraction in which societies , or systems , seem to behave without any reference to actual people .
5 Wilkinson illustrates his conclusion by suggesting that a comparison of the optical company and the plating company displays the folly of the notion that de-skilling and increased management control over production processes necessarily leads to increases in efficiency .
6 However , all businesses must always bear in mind that in Community law , privilege only attaches to communications with independent legal advisers and not with in-house Counsel .
7 The requirement of standing only applies to actions in respect of public law wrongs .
8 However , the purchaser should ensure that this only applies to obligations to the extent that they have been disclosed and ensure that it will not be required to perform the obligations if such vicarious performance would be a breach of the relevant contract ( see clause 8.2(b) of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
9 Finally , the ruling only applies to members of schemes set up after 13 March 1989 , and to new employees joining existing schemes from 1 June 1989 .
10 The new flexi-age retirement provision is unlikely to help you if you move to a new job , since it only applies to employees of 20 years ' standing .
11 It should be remembered that , unless it is extended by SFA , the foreign business carve-out only applies to business with customers in the UK if the overseas person exemption would have applied if the non-UK branch had been a separate person ; apart from checking that the activities concerned fall within the exemption , the SIB 's restrictions on cold calling , therefore , also have to be complied with .
12 Their offer only applies to property in the home counties .
13 The view might be held that s3 has no application to such a clause , because s3 only applies to clauses under which the proferens purports to be entitled to a performance diffferent from that reasonably expected , whereas the effect of the clause quoted above is to define the performance which may reasonably be expected of the seller , so that the buyer can not reasonably expect any particular delivery date .
14 Is there a repairs problem in West Belfast ? how does the repairs system operate at the present time ? is the policy of employing contractors for repairs adequate ? are tenants rights safeguarded in the tendering policy of the Housing Executive in regards to accountability to the community and the standard of work carried out ?
15 This approximation obviously extends to problems with more than two variables provided the objective function and constraints are separable , that is , they are sums of functions of individual variables , for example , .
16 The direction only applies to evidence which a party " intends to place reliance on " and so can not apply to new evidence which only comes to light after the time for serving statements has passed .
17 The network of person-to-person relationships formula thus refers to sets of rights and duties which find expression in more or less predictable patterns of behaviour .
18 I suppose it could be that he just wants to crow in his own back yard .
19 Sticking to an existing timetable scarcely amounts to loss of German interest .
20 This does not mean that the mind just responds to information in the way in which a thermostat , for instance , transduces information about temperature and performs switching operations .
21 How many in the class have a parent who normally travels to work by car , bus or train to another town , or several kilometres across a city ?
22 This broadly relates to communications between lawyer and client either in relation to the giving of legal advice or in contemplation of legal proceedings .
23 Doreen Cowie was unfortunately not able to be present on the night , and sends her own very best wishes to Edith via our column .
24 This track offers a splendid high-level walk free of traffic ; it finally descends to Dent by way of Flinter Gill after passing below a hilltop crowned by a group of old cairns known as Megger Stones .
25 THE great showdown between Barbie and Sindy finally comes to court in January , with Barbie 's manufacturer Mattel claiming that Hasbro Industries has copied Barbie 's face for Sindy .
26 The possibility exists of a friendship developing between a transsexual and someone else , which eventually leads to thoughts of marriage .
27 Repeatedly slamming the kick out to its fullest extent eventually leads to inflammation of the knee joint and damage to the supporting ligaments .
28 He usually refers to Francis as Mr. Architect Webster .
29 Are you someone who always goes to bed at 11pm ?
30 But she still goes to school in Soweto — a journey of two-and-a-half hours each way by train and bus .
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