Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] to [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Attention is drawn to the fact that , while the balance conditions ( 7.9 ) and ( 7.10 ) for the Maxwell L-C bridge are independent of frequency , those for the Hay version are frequency dependent , so that for good results with this version an extremely pure sinusoidal source is needed and , ideally , a detection system that only responds to the same frequency .
2 If , as appears likely , it only applies to the latter case , can it be invoked by any Member State or only by a Member State which voted against the legislation ?
3 This " combination " which effectively amounts to no more than the adjective itself is then linked by explicit assignment to the entity of the subject .
4 Pure democracy has never worked : it works in a moderated form where there is a literacy qualification , or a property-owning qualification — which usually amounts to the same thing — and the voter is capable of making an informed judgement .
5 It usually leads to a few cracked paving stones , ’ he said .
6 Normally , when there is a single mother cat , each kitten is the ‘ owner ’ of its own personal nipple and always returns to the same nipple every time it feeds .
7 This also applies to a few P1 units which take a column of C cells end-to-end .
8 But evidence really amounts to no more than expression of the opinion by a particular practitioner of what he thinks that he would have done if he had been paid hypothetically without the benefit of hindsight the position of the defendant , with a little while the evidence of the witness is due , what in the matter of law the solicitor 's duty was in the particular circumstances of the case , I should have thought , being a solicitor the very question which the functions , to decide .
9 Free milk to pupils was abolished in 1981 and now applies to a few very special cases .
10 Anyone who simply returns to the same repetitive activity is heading for further trouble — especially if their technique is at fault .
11 Notice also that Keegan has hired as his assistant Terry McDermott , who may be equally lacking in management experience , but at least goes to the same hairdresser .
12 Yet witnesses to the latter part of the night 's events heard him talking clearly to a policeman .
13 In such cases the addition of organic matter , slag , or lime will be essential if the farming system is to be maintained without a drastic drop in fertility and production — or the breakdown of soil structure which ultimately leads to the same thing .
14 Unless , that is , philosophy can become dissemination : ‘ a work conceived radically is a movement of the same unto the other which never returns to the same ’ .
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