Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 A wall goes down from the road straight as a die to Ease Gill and a walk alongside leads in a few minutes to a small hole in the ground that opens into lengthy passages below : this is Short Drop Cave .
2 Finally , it is worth mentioning the possibility that the traditional sadness and dejection with which the first crops were cut in Egypt , or the seed was sown in Greece and elsewhere originates in the same unconscious depressive complex .
3 According to Locke , however , the question is ‘ what makes the same person , and not whether it be the same identical substance , which always thinks in the same person , which in this case matters not at all ’ .
4 You can place a marker at the edge of the swim which , at forty yards or more range , is a tremendous aid to accurate casting and ensures that groundbait always goes in the same spot .
5 Oh , oh , well he 's still reversing , he 's waving his arm about for everyone to overtake him but , he still sits in the same position oh dear
6 Later to be run on the death of his father by Ted Parris , who still lives in the same road , taking over at the age of 15 until called into the services during the first war .
7 Finn lives in a small place in America , and having been poor , still lives in the same way .
8 Even with a well performed sphincterotomy of judivious size , unpredictable harmorrhage still occurs in a few cases .
9 Much more appears in the same vein ; but Temple is at his most eloquent in describing the qualifications of the successful Resident .
10 A fellow of mediocre talent will remain a mediocrity , whether he travels or not ; but one of superior talent ( which without impiety I can not deny that I possess ) will go to seed , if he always remains in the same place .
11 It is a recognised fact amongst seamen that no ship , even when built by the same yard to identical plans , ever behaves in the same way .
12 Once it has been shown that the matter in question always reacts in the same way under fixed conditions , a theory can be devised to explain its behaviour .
13 Evidence which also points in the same direction has come not from critics but from within the Kandel group itself .
14 Oh yes , it often irritates in the same way when you first start to drink spirits you feel
15 Nothing really matters in the same old
16 It changes over time , just as any language does : no one nowadays speaks in the same way as the contemporaries of Chaucer or Shakespeare or even Dickens .
17 If the neuron is allowed to take up similarly labelled materials from the outside world by endocytosis at the growth cone , all the fluorescence again appears in the same kind of vacuole , travelling down the axon .
18 It 's like lightning — never strikes in the same place twice .
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