Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And in the years of glut there is always a slatted wooden tray in some cool , dark attic , which the writer nervously visits from time to time ; and yes , oh dear , while he 's been hard at work downstairs , up in the attic there are puckering skins , warning spots , a sudden brown collapse and the sprouting of snowflakes .
2 The bandicoots and the wombats are both diggers , excavating long burrows in search of their food .
3 This basically refers to success in spreading genes to later populations ; even if this means damage to an individual organism 's success .
4 In Peters v. Prince of Wales Theatre ( Birmingham ) Ltd . ,
5 Since it is a non-democracy , dislike of the incumbent swiftly turns into rejection of the state itself .
6 It is precisely because of this view that we discover the highest purpose of PATTERN PRACTICE : TO REDUCE TO HABIT WHAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO HABIT IN THE NEW LANGUAGE , so that the mind and personality may be freed to dwell in their proper realm , that is on the meaning of the communication rather than the mechanics of grammar .
7 Both restrictive and non-restrictive adjectives in sentences such as ( 3 ) are alike in that they instantiate the P in : ( 6 ) [ P E ] The difference between the two possibilities is solely that , in cases of non-restriction , the speaker is aware that the identification carried out by the noun phrase as a whole is the same as it would be if the adjective ( limiting ourselves to adjectival instances ) were not present ; in essence , we have the situation as in ( 7 ) ( where the sign =i obviously stands for equality on the parameter of identification , and not for the intensional relation of equation ) : ( 7 ) In practice , the situation is almost always somewhat more complicated in English , because there will nearly always be a determiner ; thus the non-restrictive status of the adjective in the subject phrase of ( 8 ) can be represented by the formula ( 9 ) , with Pb as the adjectival property and Pc as the property inherent in the noun ( while Pa represents the word this ) : ( 8 ) this Christian Pope committed most unchristian acts ( 9 ) Nevertheless , the presence of other elements in a noun phrase beside the non-restrictive adjective and the noun itself in no way alters the principle involved .
8 It is clear that an element of contrast is intended , with a meaning something like " in writing Othello , Shakespeare becomes an exception , and so stands in contrast to other writers ' .
9 Much depends of course upon what is meant by ‘ success ’ as well as by ‘ policy ’ and ‘ planning ’ .
10 The Mother of Us All shows more continuity , but again much depends upon production in what is still a largely non-narrative opera .
11 The attempt to do so leads to abstraction in which societies , or systems , seem to behave without any reference to actual people .
12 The degree to which ‘ internal ’ factors — as opposed to external pressures — lead to the emergence of a separate nationality obviously varies in emphasis between cases , and the first were possibly of greater significance in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in the emergence of the first national groups in Europe .
13 The actual number of Greater London boroughs controlled by each party naturally varies from election to election and is strongly affected by the national political climate .
14 The larger eddies , which do play a role in the generation of the Reynolds stress , must be more characteristic of the particular flow , since the Reynolds stress distribution necessarily varies from flow to flow .
15 Where rejuvenation intervenes before the river has had sufficient time for lateral erosion to form a flat valley floor , there will not be river terraces at the side of the stream but merely breaks of slope in the valley sides ( Fig. 9.6 ) .
16 He is encouraged to go on with the process of living ( line 60 ) and perhaps hints at compensation for suffering in an after-life .
17 This , however , only accounts for pollution of a ‘ known origin ’ .
18 It should be remembered that , unless it is extended by SFA , the foreign business carve-out only applies to business with customers in the UK if the overseas person exemption would have applied if the non-UK branch had been a separate person ; apart from checking that the activities concerned fall within the exemption , the SIB 's restrictions on cold calling , therefore , also have to be complied with .
19 Their offer only applies to property in the home counties .
20 But that Act only applies in respect of births after ( but not before ) its passing , that is to say 22 July 1976 .
21 The duty only applies in respect of dwellings and does not apply to commercial or industrial properties .
22 Is there a repairs problem in West Belfast ? how does the repairs system operate at the present time ? is the policy of employing contractors for repairs adequate ? are tenants rights safeguarded in the tendering policy of the Housing Executive in regards to accountability to the community and the standard of work carried out ?
23 Example 4:11 Rent review machinery ; notice , counternotice reference to arbitration ( 1 ) the landlord may serve upon the tenant not earlier than one year before the review date in question a notice ( " a Review Notice " ) calling for a review of the rent ( 2 ) if the landlord serves a Review Notice then the rent payable with effect from the review date to which it relates shall be : ( a ) such sum as may be specified in the Review Notice or ( b ) the higher of the rent payable immediately before that review date and the Market Rent if ( but only if ) the tenant so elects by counternotice in writing served on the landlord not later than two months ( time being of essence ) after the service of a Review Notice ( 3 ) if the tenant serves a counternotice the Market Rent shall be determined in default of agreement within two months after the service of the counternotice by arbitration .
24 Example 4:12 Rent review machinery ; no notice ; determination by expert ( 1 ) if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by an independent surveyor acting as an expert ( 2 ) the independent surveyor shall ( a ) be appointed in default of agreement by the President ( b ) give the landlord and the tenant an opportunity to make representations to him and to reply to each other 's representations ( but shall not be bound by them ) ( c ) have power to determine how the costs of the reference shall be borne ( d ) publish his decision within two months of his appointment ( 3 ) if the independent surveyor dies delays or becomes unwilling or incapable of acting or if for any reason the President thinks fit he may discharge the independent surveyor and appoint another in his place and may repeat this procedure as often as necessary Example 4:13 Landlord 's option to select method of resolving disputes if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market Rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by arbitration or ( if the landlord so elects by notice in writing given not later than one month before the relevant review date time being of the essence ) by an independent surveyor acting as an expert
25 She was , however , able to describe and explain the scenario that would be repeated in most of Nicholson 's most spectacular films — where he personally falls in love with his co-star .
26 This leaves no room for the non-realization of the infinitive event since the action of producing an effect necessarily coincides in time with the appearance of the effect ( concurrent causation ) , and so both these verbs call for the bare infinitive .
27 In the Brazil nut , Bertholleria excelsa , and Eschweilera spp. , the hood is pressed down on the fertile stamens and bears only staminodes with nectar at their bases : only a strong bee can lift the hood — species of Xylocopa and female euglossine bees .
28 The mosquito hovers a couple of centimetres from the trunk and suddenly alights in front of the ant .
29 I think for a lot of people , yes , it does , and though the pile of bricks obviously comes under Art with a capital A , crafts perhaps has not suffered quite as much , but I think there is the feeling amongst people that if they get a pot which is , shall we say non-function and wo n't pour , then is it art or craft ?
30 The direction only applies to evidence which a party " intends to place reliance on " and so can not apply to new evidence which only comes to light after the time for serving statements has passed .
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