Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] the time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , they have not really the transport for a journey as far as this and in any case , they could not spare the time from work . ’
2 Unfortunately , we do not know the time of year when Lady Godiva is supposed to have ridden out .
3 As Bloch has commented , ‘ To us accustomed to live with our eyes constantly turning to the clock , how remote from our civilization seems this society in which a court of law could not ascertain the time of day without discussion and inquiry ! ’
4 It was an enormous subject upon which we had embarked , and I felt that , as a minor guest of the monastery , I must not monopolize the time of the guest whom everyone wanted to meet .
5 Although in the oases they made gardens , perhaps even carried on other spare-time occupations , they were forbidden to trade and did not have the time to be truck drivers .
6 You simply do not have the time for the ‘ one — pause — two ’ sequences so beloved in basic training .
7 I did not have the time for this myself , but clearly , a solution is to lie in wait for this photograph on one of those days when the time of performance does not coincide with the time of sunset !
8 I did not have the time for this myself , but clearly , a solution is to lie in wait for this photograph on one of those days when the time of performance does not coincide with the time of sunset !
9 I say to their parents , why bother having children if you do not take the time of effort to care for them ?
10 ‘ You do n't hardly pass the time of day with me , this is the first time you 've sat and talked to me .
11 Once an offline run has completed , the offline system will automatically update the time of the next offline run by adding the interval to the current start time .
12 Most obviously it means that the ‘ birds ’ sang at a previous moment in time but it could also mean the time of year , the time of the poet 's life , and most strikingly , it could be another word connected with death .
13 I remember sitting in a hotel in Lymm thinking that I could n't really spare the time for the Managing Quality course but I 'd run out of excuses !
14 If you do n't make the time for training due to the work , pressures or deadlines or backlogs , and if you 're not training others they make mistakes do n't they ?
15 Erm well coal er is quite a dirty fuel when it 's burnt erm D Didcot power station er this is the sort of pollution you get from Didcot power station , it does n't give the time on there er you might be surprised to , to realize that 's actually er per day erm that 's the amount of pollution you get per day from a large coalfired power station .
16 ‘ Would n't have the time for it , Vicky . ’
17 Give us a job , she said , he wo n't even pass the time of day with us .
18 But interestingly , a huge proportion , of the people , said , Do n't change the time of the services .
19 And the revenue got mean and decided it could n't afford the time of serving officers and it left pre-retirement council and other bodies with a gap to fill er the only other people who are er professional if you like , who could fill it , would be accountants and they were n't available .
20 I mean she might suddenly find that she ca n't get the time off the hotel , or she changes her mind , I do n't know .
21 I will not therefore take the time of the House with the conventional lengthy explanation of the detail of what are in fact relatively routine pieces of annual business , such as the guaranteed minimum pensions order and the draft contributions rerating order , which are very much in line with their predecessors over a number of years .
22 What is the mid-point of the argument that some teachers do not want to reflect , others can never find the time for reflection and others feel it unnecessary ?
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