Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] out in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fire did not break out in a deserted building in the middle of nowhere in the wee small hours of the morning .
2 Did you not hear out in the street ?
3 You were just saying , you know , that we should just walk in the streets and things like , but I would just not walk out in the streets at night , I 've got to be in the car with the doors locked and , and I just would n't walk out in the streets at night , not because any thing has happened to me , but its just through what I 've heard , I 'm just terrified .
4 This time , Wilson did not go out in the street to wave goodbye nor did she weep .
5 You will not go out in the streets and you will not say anything in public .
6 Scottish Enterprise , which is fighting to ensure that the 1,000-strong workforce at Digital 's Ayr plant does not lose out in the battle for jobs , also had senior officials in Boston yesterday for talks with the company , reiterating the case for the Ayrshire plant .
7 If the results did not always work out in the way intended , the blame for the failings of the criminal justice system can not be attributed to any lack of zeal to legislate .
8 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
9 Although the reserves are vast , this supply will also run out in the not-too-distant future .
10 • Shy fish may also miss out in the hustle and bustle of community feeding .
11 ‘ She would often get out in the night and sleep on the floor , usually next to us .
12 The youth drew the pirogue up the grey sand and crept forward to the clearing , and stood , trying to piece together the disorder that he could dimly pick out in the darkness .
13 That 's so he ca n't see out in the garden
14 The rest of her clothes were durable , and , what was more important , blended in with the rest of society so that she did n't stand out in a crowd .
15 The South does n't stand out in the resulting map ( figure 5.2 ) , although none of the States of the former Confederacy falls in the top 40 per cent on their ranking , except Florida whose population character and structure has changed very substantially in recent decades as a result of immigration , especially of the elderly .
16 But on the other hand she could n't stand out in the corridor indefinitely .
17 You were just saying , you know , that we should just walk in the streets and things like , but I would just not walk out in the streets at night , I 've got to be in the car with the doors locked and , and I just would n't walk out in the streets at night , not because any thing has happened to me , but its just through what I 've heard , I 'm just terrified .
18 Poverty was not experienced as a problem because there was so little that women wanted to spend money on ( 'No , I do n't go out in the evenings , Mother does n't like it . ’
19 ‘ But I ca n't go out in the street because every day in every street here there is a massacre by grenades .
20 She did n't go out in the evenings at all , feeling , in truth , no desire to see Mark 's old friends after her last disastrous escapade .
21 When it was just your Dad and I we , we could go out all evening and then , then come back to the tent , but when we 've got you two we have to be back in the , we ca n't go out in the evenings .
22 She would n't go out in the car the other week so we like chained her to the wall we were .
23 Where 's my special walking stick , I ca n't go out in the jungle without walking stick cos I might slip over .
24 do n't go out in the rain was another one !
25 It 's gone well , and so there are plans to do quite a lot of touring next year , starting in March , as Brian 's album does n't come out in the States until January or February .
26 And of course we 're offering a service of allowing people to choose to come at four rather than six and we are making ourselves accessible to single mothers who perhaps ca n't come out in the evening etcetera .
27 ‘ If Sir Henry does n't come out in the next quarter of an hour , the path will be covered by the fog .
28 On the way to Mrs Zamzam 's land , I looked across the same Lebanese border from the Israeli side and could actually make out in the far distance Mrs Zamzam 's camp at Rashidiyeh inside Lebanon .
29 And we made all these points clear to them , we also very much drew their drew their attention to making sure that any rules or advice they gave , did actually work out in an equal opportunity way .
30 Fishermen would never go out in a boat if anyone who could swim was on board , since the Fates might decide to give the man a chance to do so .
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