Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] they at [art] " in BNC.

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1 But remember it was Mrs Thatcher , who when she was arguing against the er European Monetary System , said you ca n't buck the markets , and ultimately that is true , or at least more precisely , you can only buck them at a cost , you can only buck it by buying or selling pounds , which messes up your money supply , or raising or lowering your interest rates at a time when you might not be wanting to do so .
2 ‘ Our drivers can only negotiate them at a maximum of 15mph , ’ he said .
3 But then again , we can only hear them at the moment , but there are six of them .
4 Thus if my main concern is to have a vast stock of personal possessions and control over the lives of others , I can doubtless only have them at the expense of others .
5 If mixing causes difficulties , will the dementia sufferers gain from a segregated day centre or segregated days in a day centre or hospital , or will this merely put them at a disadvantage ? b Literature Arie ( 1979 ) states that we need to know more of the pros and cons of integration in day hospitals .
6 I can not chuck them at the last minute .
7 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
8 When taking notes it is important to write down any new words or concepts , even if you do not understand them at the time .
9 In considering Lanfranc 's letter of 1072 , we were faced with the question : Why did he not produce them at the papal court ?
10 Does he agree that it is now essential that he withdraw the Asylum Bill now under consideration and instead institute a proper system of legal appeal that gives automatic rights of appeal to political asylum seekers and does not leave them at the mercy of his erroneous decisions ?
11 However , when planning we need to make sure that people are compensated for disruption in a way that does not put them at a disadvantage .
12 People will still receive them at the same time the story appears in the newspaper .
13 Do n't throw them at the windows .
14 I could n't convince them at the other end that I needed an ambulance because I was outside the hospital .
15 Sometimes our bodies and minds seek excuses to experience griefs that we may have put aside or denied because we could n't face them at the time .
16 Well I imagine she does n't sell them at a loss .
17 We did n't have them at the back either , for that matter .
18 They did n't have them at the bookshop I went to , they 'd never heard of the magazine , and a friend of mine who writes poetry said he was certain it did n't exist . ’
19 Do n't even tell them at the end .
20 I mean a , I 've been throwing mine away now we ca n't get them at the other farm , I mean and I said if we do , we 'd better keep
21 He will then answer them at the council meeting .
22 Mountain Rescue get little trouble from ramblers , since their rambles rarely take them off a bus route , and you can sometimes spot them at the sides of the road , gazing into a hedgerow as their leader tells them a little about the history of couch grass .
23 Went to the Royal Academy when I was doing my 'O' Levels , it was a Jackson follow up it was about , ambulance was about twelve foot by twelve foot , it was literally splodges of paint all over the fucking place , it was horrible , you can actually buy them at the Royal Academy , you ca n't buy them at , but he was asking a hundred thousand pounds for it , I could n't believe it , a trained monkey could of fucking painted that
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