Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pn reflx] into the " in BNC.

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1 But the ancestral organs did not literally change themselves into the descendant organs , like swords being beaten into ploughshares .
2 Without that South African link , Zimbabwe 's rugby , and even that of Namibia , should they shun their former ‘ ruler ’ for long , would only drag itself into the doldrums .
3 ‘ You had better get yourself into the washhouse and clean yourself up , ’ she said , ‘ I am going round to the Post Office and let Sid Watkins know . ’
4 He can not manoeuvre himself into the correct position .
5 And the nuclear industry could n't always buy itself into the media .
6 Folly turned the card over and over in her hands , as if by her looking at it from another direction the words might mysteriously transpose themselves into the expected apology .
7 Moreover those units will relentlessly force themselves into the human conscience as being of a wholly desirable nature , that is , good .
8 But do n't drive yourself into the ground .
9 The power axe , clenched in his mailed fist , still hewed away at the same small area in front of him , but for the life of him he could n't push himself into the space it liquefied , nor could he shift the weapon to left or to right , so firmly was his arm held by the hydra .
10 The problem for the marketing function of a potential supplier will eventually resolve itself into the specific issue of how to promote and sell the product to the Decision Making Unit .
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