Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [adv prt] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah cos if it was as bad as he said it was , I mean he would only stand up for one or two hours at a time , whereas he 'd been up since nine , he was still sitting up at one o'clock when I arrived there
2 I was so disappointed to find out that , because I work for the company , I could not send off for three free tea towels and a £1 gift voucher being offered as part of a Hovis and JS combined promotion .
3 If names can not or will not pay up for 1990 and 1991 , the central fund could quickly be exhausted .
4 Describing the American feature film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to which he awarded a certificate , as a challenging religious film he said that acontroversial scene : ‘ It indicated that Christ had sex , but it did not go on for 14 minutes . ’
5 After leaving the station , we 'd just walk around for ten or fifteen minutes , doubling back on our tracks , heading in through the lobby of a big hotel and straight out again through the rear entrance , until finally we 'd come to some itty-bitty hotel in a back street with a desk in the hallway , and we 'd do the elevator routine .
6 He 'll not come down for two week !
7 No , they wo n't be moving away faster than light is travelling because the theory of relativity says that nothing can move faster than light , but there are certainly things which may be happening now which we shall not learn about for thousands of millions of years because they are so far away .
8 ‘ Leaseholders wo n't hang around for 16 years in a pub , because leases can be sold on .
9 The snow did n't slack off for 36 hours .
10 ‘ There 's no reason why I ca n't go on for 200 goals and I do n't agree with the argument that you should retire at the top .
11 ‘ It 's like a time bomb you carry round with you , ’ Arty said , ‘ and the alarm might n't go off for twenty-five years . ’
12 ‘ She went under a desk and did n't come out for four days .
13 My mother 's been up there and she did n't come back for two hours and she came back we kept well he 'd sold a lot of meat in the meantime .
14 She did n't come back for two days .
15 Angry neighbours could n't get out for two days .
16 I could n't lie down for five weeks !
17 He could n't lie down for seven weeks because of problems with his head , neck and pelvis , ’ recalled Knight .
18 I mean , i if he , if you said something like that to him and he went away and he did n't turn up for two or three days , you would never live with yourself .
19 Should have been seven — but I did n't turn up for three . ’
20 There are clearly — even just for music — a variety of options , and the school must eventually come down for one pattern of timing rather than another .
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