Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [adv prt] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If you read again the sections covered by the mnemonic MACRO , you will appreciate that the best effects are produced when you do not merely soak up the words of the textbook author , like some print-absorbing sponge .
2 That means you 'd better sort out the hams and cheeses , Bella .
3 It is difficult , therefore , to be dogmatic about the prospects for change ; one can only set out the patterns or trends which may come about .
4 The main argument seems to be whether he could morally take up the titles of Head of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith .
5 Swore like a trooper under his breath as the bus swayed through the leafy lanes , saying he could no longer make out the landmarks , that he knew such and such a tree or house was in such and such a place , he 'd passed it so often in the bus , but now could barely see it .
6 I narrow my eyes to stare into his ; the light of the pub is dim as dust and I can not make out the pinpoints .
7 The position had been reached where she could not make out the labels on the cans of food she was heating up .
8 She could not make out the words , but knew instinctively they 'd been uttered by the uncle of her child .
9 Females can grow to six inches or more , so I do not rule out the fishes being female , but if you had had both sexes , then by the time one was six inches the size differential should have shown up .
10 But I would not rule out the others quite so easily as Ducati , he is sure to give Phillip McCallen , Terry Rymer , Joey and Robert Dunlop and Nick Jeffries plenty to worry about , not to mention Mitchell .
11 The inspiring influence behind an automatic promotion triumph is determined Boro will not just make up the numbers in the top flight .
12 He could just make out the greens , the fairways and the dunes through which the three dozen surviving professionals would toil tomorrow in search of their own Golden Fleece .
13 Turning to the north-east , I could just make out the lines of the walls of Siri , the first completely new city to be built by the Muslim conquerors in the Delhi plains .
14 Down below , lost in the mist , he could just make out the holm-oaks and cypresses surrounding the Miletti property , a lugubrious baroque monstrosity built on a shoulder of land jutting out from the steep hillside .
15 From the tiny amount of light leaking around the door behind me , I could just make out the boards of the platform I stood on , and the first few feet of three narrow walkways emerging from the gloom , one cutting sharply away to my right , another straight ahead and a third branching left off this a few yards along .
16 It requires considerable commitment by already hard-pressed teachers , and considerable organizational skill by the management team , to ensure that such issues are truly taken on board , and do not somehow fall down the cracks between more clearly defined and familiar roles .
17 His father told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life , but he was finally persuaded to do so because it was pointed out to him that if the British Army did not send back the Cossacks , the Soviets would not send back British POWs .
18 The member States of the Commission could not carry out the duties entrusted to the Commission .
19 The man he left in charge did not carry out the duties expected of him .
20 On HP the aircraft is yours at once , and once a specified sum has been paid to the finance company , the finance company must go to court to reclaim the balance if you can no longer keep up the payments .
22 Once they 've found an easy supply of fish , Herons will soon wipe out the contents of your ponds .
23 Even if a document such as a catalogue or price list is not an offer in law , there is no reason why it can not set out the terms of the offer , for instance by indicating that the party who issues it will only contract on those terms .
24 Normal human curiosity flexed under the strain , but would not take on the forces of discipline in open combat .
25 She would not take up the cudgels of such a battle .
26 I would suggest that we can deal with these parties if they arise but that we should not hold up the negotiations with the top four .
27 The inquirer could not print out the pages herself at this point as the microcomputer was in use , so they were printed out and passed on to her .
28 ‘ Thanks , but … if you could just print up the photos for me … ’
29 And she was ordering stuff for Nana , you know , fruits , sweets , crisps all sorts of things , upstairs and downstairs and chocolates in , you know , she 'd just go up the shops and buy them .
30 Can I just go down the shops , Kelly and me are just going get something ?
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