Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [to-vb] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 If , for example , I am engaged in reading a text on a subject in which I am well versed ( where the ideational or content schema is familiar ) , which has been written in a manner conventionally associated with writing on this subject ( where the interpersonal or formal schema is familiar ) , then I shall only need to pay attention to the linguistic signs to the extent that they key in this schematic knowledge and indicate how it is to be extended .
2 Nationally imposed cost yardsticks ensure that many rural councils can only afford to build houses to a standard design in relatively large estates , yet on both grounds they are often out of sympathy with the visual quality of many English villages .
3 Talking too much has the additional disadvantage that you may end up revealing more than you intended , especially if you do not want to draw attention to a lack of relevant expertise , or a past unhappy work experience .
4 I could , to be sure , scribble off things the whole day long , but a composition of this kind goes out into the world , and naturally I do not want to have cause to be ashamed of my name on the title-page .
5 This time he did not want to make love to me when he dropped the tapes off , and in truth I was a little tired .
6 ‘ But did it not occur to that massive conceit of yours that I might not want to make love to you ? ’
7 Such a system does not need to have access to a full-coverage grammar and lexicon .
8 7.1.2 The proposals of the White Paper and Working Papers 3 and 8 do not appear to offer disincentives to general practices to work with elderly people , and to welcome them to their lists .
9 If the Government are sincere about the Bill , they should not hesitate to give assurances to the House and the country that the money will be found to ensure that a link will be provided and that services will be available to the communities in the regions , and particularly the north , from the channel tunnel .
10 If you are unhappy with any aspect of the LIFESPAN Manager 's account ( eg. many VAX Managers do not like to give SYSPRV to other users ) then please read Appendix B for a full discussion of other options .
11 The discount houses will therefore not like to sell bills to the Bank of England unless they are forced to .
12 The Opposition do not like to draw attention to that , but the Government are very proud of having created so many new owner-occupiers .
13 Since this has cropped up here I would just like to draw attention to it .
14 We , in the Midlands , support the role that the Health and Safety Review document puts forward , and in concluding , President , I would just like to pay tribute to my regional committee and the work that they did , in getting the review off the ground in the first place .
15 A rapid review such as this of theories of knowledge and the curriculum can not hope to do justice to the various concepts and models , and risks inducing a kind of conceptual vertigo .
16 If he is vague about the meaning of Christ 's death and resurrection , he can not hope to introduce others to Jesus as their Saviour .
17 In Sheffield , householders do not have to carry refuse to the end of their drives — how do we construct league tables to reflect that ?
18 Anthony said no work and no court for at least another week , ’ said Comfort , relieved that she would not have to accompany Julia to anything so dull .
19 Perhaps the most controversial question concerning English intonation is what its function is ; pedagogically speaking , this is a very important question , since one would not wish to devote time to teaching something without knowing what its value was likely to be .
20 The separation of these themes illustrated that , for tactical reasons , the party did not wish to draw attention to the full nature of its ideology .
21 At the same time , the purchaser will not wish to return cash to the vendor that he has not yet collected from debtors , nor will the purchaser be willing to use its own funds to satisfy creditors on behalf of the vendor .
22 We do not wish to commit Spain to entering the war merely in order to frighten England into … making peace by a naval promenade in the Channel .
23 We do not wish to commit Spain to entering the war merely in order to frighten England into a peace from which nothing but the independence of the Americans would be obtained …
24 I have a green water problem , and do not wish to add chemicals to the water if there is a more natural solution available .
25 He might not wish to reveal names to the police but he would have to .
26 The captains , however , did not wish to expose players to the probing questions and endless interviews which were handled , and brilliantly , by the non-playing captains .
27 Do not attempt to fix tiles to cold surfaces like unheated bathrooms .
28 Last year the Americans did not bother to renegotiate access to Berbera when their lease expired .
29 For the avoidance of doubt , Mr. Speaker , I do not intend to give way to the hon. Gentleman and , if he persists in intervening , it is merely because the Labour party 's grasp of democracy can not survive a week such as the previous one .
30 Lord Mackay referred to work already under way to simplify and speed defamation case procedures and said : ‘ I would be very keen to encourage anyone who wished to develop systems which do not require to take people to law . ’
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