Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Hence , the use of a GIS with a GUI can only improve user productivity in ‘ use ’ factors , for example by increasing the speed of use and reducing errors , and may only help the user with a previously substantial knowledge of GIS .
2 Sabbatical leave , further training for teacher trainers themselves , and the buying in of linguistic expertise could only go part way in breaking the vicious circle .
3 That would usually be called an engine , and in a car the engine just burns petrol and produces the mechanical energy in the shaft which turns the wheels , so the course is learning about the nature of mechanical forces and energy , thermal forces and energy and of the conversion of one form of energy to another , and in the process you learn that there are fundamental scientific laws — in particular the second law of thermo-dynamics — which says that you ca n't necessarily go form energy in one form with a hundred percent efficiency to getting it out in another form , so this limitation on your ability to convert from one form into another without waste in fact comes into many , many processes and every day processes .
4 An R&D worker is aware that what he does today will not affect company output in this order of time span .
5 Although I did not conduct field research in Nigeria , I visited that country in 1975 , 1978 and 1981 .
6 Principals , directors and shareowners who practise mainly from overseas offices which do not conduct investment business in or into the UK are disregarded for this calculation .
7 The age and sex profile of a practice does not explain interpractice variation in prescribing patterns .
8 By using an accurate new index ( the Newcastle prescribing index ) to adjust for the effect of patient sex and age on prescribing in the North East we have shown that a practice age and sex demography does not explain interpractice variation in prescribing habits .
9 Pure ethanol does not stimulate gastrin release in humans .
10 Erm the provision in policy I five does not include recycling land in in existing
11 Freshers applying after 1st September will receive assistance in finding suitable accommodation : we regret that we can not guarantee University accommodation in such cases .
12 He need not undergo terrorist treatment in the swimming bath , not get up at six o'clock every morning to feed old Bones .
13 Soft ground is essential for Yahoo and conditions should be to his liking , although if he could not beat Desert Orchid in the Cheltenham bog it is difficult to visualise him doing it at Kempton .
14 Adam Smith 's famous dictum that we should not subsidise grape production in Scotland , does not extend to subsidising wine imports at the expense of the ‘ wine of the country ’ .
15 The treatment of effector cells with TNF-α did not alter ADCC activity in six serum samples from the patients ( Fig 2(B) ) .
16 These implications of the fiction/concession theory were neither compatible with the reality of free incorporation on compliance with some simple formalities nor congenial to academics who did not favour state intervention in corporate enterprise .
17 Bundesrat representatives came from the 10 Land ( state ) governments , of which the SPD now controlled six including the cities of Bremen and Hamburg ; the SPD also controlled West Berlin , in coalition with the Greens , but West Berlin did not have voting representation in the Bundesrat .
18 They must not forget sabbath law in the coming busy seasons of sowing and harvest .
19 In animal models of oesophageal carcinogenesis , gastro-oesophageal reflux promotes tumour development but reflux alone does not cause tumour formation in the absence of a carcinogen .
20 Recent attention has been focused on the stunned myocardium and while established methods of assessing ventricular function are unable to detect such jeopardised myocardium , newer imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography , nuclear magnetic resonance or contrast echocardiography may further improve risk stratification in the future .
21 A Mintel Market Analysis report on food safety has warned food companies to steer clear of irradiation which , it says , will further undermine consumer confidence in manufactured and processed food .
22 ‘ Do they still have cabinet pudding in the canteen ? ’
23 The prosecution over safety in an Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor , reactors which form part of the electricity industry privatisation , will come as an extra embarrassment to the Government and will further dent City confidence in the value of the nuclear assets .
24 At the end of each week , local ITI centres will be used to invite families to Tennis Extravaganza weekends which , it is hoped , will further encourage family participation in the game .
25 Did you still put stilton cheese in that roll or did you want that ?
26 A further potentially exciting area yet to be explored in the diabetic population is the dietary substitution of the ω-3 series of fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic acids which has been shown to favourably affect platelet function in non-diabetic subjects ( Siess et al , 1980 ; Thorngren & Gustafson , 1981 ; Lorenz et al , 1983 ) .
27 The courts will clearly require expert evidence in setting the appropriate standard .
28 The discoveries straddle five licence blocks and form a key part of an extensive development programme that will substantially increase gas production in the North Sea by the end of the century .
29 The important point is that nature does n't need computing power in order to select , except in special cases like peahens choosing peacocks .
30 It is a bit like saying one ca n't buy sugar loose in a supermarket but only in kilogram bags .
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