Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So I 'll leave that for you to play with and erm I better give your mum a shout because I should have gone by now .
2 ‘ Anyway , I suppose I 'd better see what translation the TARDIS computer can offer of these papers . ’
3 But Nails did not consider his lack an impediment to his plans .
4 The reason that we can not calculate the necessary correction is that we do not know which way the photon went when it bounced into the microscope .
5 Nervous Tory candidate Tim Devlin admitted he did not know which way the vote would go .
6 I do not know what purpose the meeting served in persuading Wapping of the merits of our plan , but it did enable me for the first and only time to see the terrain on which we were working and reinforced my enthusiasm to kill the committee at the earliest possible moment .
7 The Sunday Citizen withdrew the allegations , apologised and paid Wigg 's costs in the matter — the settlement was on my advice to Wigg that he could not know what view a jury would take of his actions in relation to Profumo .
8 Though the Act did not specify what form the consultation should take , Home Office guidelines were issued recommending the establishment of police consultative committees .
9 Communication will have failed if the listener does not discover which platform the train leaves from or how to load the program into the computer .
10 The social worker decided that the only way forward was a family meeting as the sons individually could not tell their mother the situation .
11 He said after the meeting : ‘ If the Government does not change its mind a strike looks inevitable , which would be terrible for the people of Britain .
12 yeah but he wondered if just that a short period of time could just get your Lordship a question of
13 The inquiry says he did not raise his flag an assertion he strongly denies .
14 If C was struck by only one bullet but could not prove whose gun the bullet came from , a Canadian case has held that both A and B were liable ( Cook v Lewis [ 1952 ] 1 DLR 1 ) .
15 Yet Hunt could not say what station the broadcast came from nor upon which date it was transmitted .
16 Russell does not say what form the ‘ complicated arguments ’ about the validity of this argument might take , but the chapter in which it occurs is entitled ‘ Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description ’ , so it is reasonable to suppose that one thing that was bothering Russell was the possibility that a person who meaningfully uses the word ‘ I ’ does so in virtue of knowing something which he calls ‘ I ’ not by acquaintance , but by description .
17 On the other hand , the student with previous medical training might grasp the rationale of these conditions , but he could not recognise them , and might well soon find his task a dirty drudgery .
18 They affected to despise her , but they did not find their contempt a strain , whereas the other really bad disciplinarian in the school , a Geography mistress , one Miss Riley , inflicted on them an intolerable suffering , for they felt themselves compelled to torment her , and she would sit before them , thin and pretty and anguished , making vain attempts to restore order , miserably transparent in her misery , and unable to conceal the depths of her humiliation — depths which frightened them , but which they could not leave unplumbed .
19 ‘ A man can be dead tired after a week 's work but he can still give his wife a helping hand .
20 We can still give our opponent the chance to back off , we can still use reason , but he or she must realize that the wrong person has been picked for breakfast .
21 No Gnat would ever call his glider a kite , especially not when he was wearing his uniform .
22 To further accelerate its growth the society is to launch Llangollen Railway PLC in September which by the sale of shares to the public for the first time will push the line forward fairly quickly to Carrog in readiness for the final leg to Corwen .
23 Thus we can always tell what colour a face should be by looking at its centre , regardless of how mixed up the cube is .
24 Those who have lost their teeth and wear dentures should still visit their dentist every six months .
25 A mayor who cultivates his senator has a hot line to the ministry , and can always find his niece a job with a pension .
26 I 'd rather exercise my brain a bit with something creative . ’
27 I 'd rather exercise my brain a bit with something creative . ’
28 You should also give your client an indication of how long the appointment is going to take .
29 Alex Lightbody , the reigning Irish champion , will also do his cause a power of good if he does well at the British Isles Championship in Worthing .
30 Scientists are now working on a computerised driving system which would automatically keep your car a safe distance behind the vehicle in front and over-ride the driver 's controls in the event of an impending accident .
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