Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 With my confidence about as durable as a wet tissue , I thought I 'd better do whatever needed to be done with it well before he arrived , and then wash it off my fingers and anywhere else visible and smellable .
2 You can not access it at all , except as the directory file , with SYS$LIFESPAN ( the non-concealed logical ) — SYS$LIFESPAN : [ PMR ] is an illegal syntax , and SYS$LIFESPAN:PMR will only give you access to DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY ] PMR.DIR , not to DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY.PMR ] .
3 On the face of it , in asserting that Ruritania does not exist we seem to be asserting something about Ruritania .
4 Ruth could not think what to say to him .
5 For myself , I do not think we need to be quite so pessimistic .
6 Mr Justice Drake used this power to full in summing up in the Donovan case , warning the jurors that they should not think they had to ‘ fix sums with lots of noughts on the end because it 's fashionable ’ .
7 Witness could not say how much help in this a girl would need from the men because it varied so much , but she did not think it amounted to much , and no special men workers were employed for it " Lifting is therefore not denied , but its importance is distinctly minimized when a woman is speaking , maximized when a man is .
8 She still , however , does not make herself known to him .
9 Knowing about methods of preventing pregnancy does not make you go to the doctor or the clinic and ask for them .
10 This is not because it is so special or secret that I do not want to divulge it — indeed the patient will remember it quite well for himself — but because I do not want him to listen to that tape at some future date and begin to regress himself when I am not there to take charge of the situation .
11 I do NOT want him going to some —
12 My father and Elizabeth did not want me to go to England alone , because I had been so ill .
13 Our emotional temperature can so easily make itself felt to others .
14 This facet of the culture is perhaps the reason why the British administrative and academic élites have obliquely indicated to the police that they do not consider them fit to be allowed to take charge of police research .
15 The obligation of the bath Mrs Webster never failed to observe , though she did not trust me to keep to the statutory four inches , but ran the water in for me , adding , in spite of my protests , a most nauseous soap powder .
16 At least , I did not catch him whispering to any of the other people going in and out of the place , and he did not point me out to anyone at any time .
17 The Elves , who will never leave the material universe and do not know what happens to Men when they die , are embodiments of language-users for whom the breath-wind-spirit distinction would be meaningless .
18 Alice did not know what to say to this .
19 Robert did not know what to say to this .
20 It is just as unbelievable that the Ministry of Defence apparently does not know what happened to them afterwards , what careers they followed .
21 When at last she reached Lynne , she found a very angry confessor , and his ‘ full sharp words ’ are almost the last we hear of Margery ; we do not know what happened to her after her book was finished .
22 I do not know what happened to my companions , but I suppose they were all drowned .
23 So she bit back her explanation , even though she could not bring herself to respond to André 's embrace .
24 One should not expect her to resort to military force ‘ whenever she can get away with it ’ : if nothing else , she needs to keep the world 's ‘ useful idiots ’ in business .
25 It does not matter what happens to the public reputation of John Donne .
26 If , however , an ES can ‘ capture ’ the expertise , it does not matter what happens to the expert ; the maintenance staff can consult the ES .
27 Except on the vital matter of Europe , where the outcome is not yet clear , but where , at least , he is better than his opponents , I am quite confident that he will not do anything damaging to Britain .
28 Two psychiatrists said that although Bourgois was mentally ill they did not believe he needed to be detained further .
29 Anyone outside a black hole can not follow what happens to material once it crosses the horizon .
30 I do not keep him tied to my apron strings . "
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