Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [adj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now although we can differentiate the products er agricultural products , we can only do that at the very final stage in processing , by and large , where there 's much less scope after product differentiation right , at the er the raw material erm level , which is where most agricultural trade continues er , most trade in agricultural products is in the raw commodity , not the refined commodity the refining , there might be the processing and the manufacturing , tend to occur in the country of consumption and not in the country of production a number of complicated , erm political reasons erm alright , but the but because there is n't the scope for product differentiation alright , we have n't witnessed an increase in intra industry trade in agricultural goods whereas we have done for manufactured goods because there is scope for intra industry trade er yeah scope for product differentiation .
2 Momentarily at a loss for words , her carefully prepared introductory speech departing to leave her mind a blank , she could only stare wide-eyed at the apparition before her .
3 He could only manage fourth at the Osterreichring but gained maximum points at Zandvoort two weeks later .
4 I did not know this at the time .
5 Nor were some of the earlier beach reconnaissances the most encouraging of precedents , although Clogstoun-Willmott did not know this at the time .
6 This is a likely problem after holidays or long weekends ; you do not feel tired at the new bedtime but do feel tired when it is time to get up .
7 I thought I could best do this at the Foreign Office , since in the aftermath of Suez so many dangerous tangles remained to be unravelled and so many ruptured friendships to be mended .
8 All of these have strategic aspects to consider , and strategic developments in these areas will not occur all at the same pace or even , necessarily , in the same direction .
9 This , of course , was nothing to be ashamed of , but I did not realize that at the time .
10 ‘ Avast , ye swabs , ’ she shouted , astonished by the hoarseness of her voice , ‘ belay yeselves an' man the mizzen-mast. 'T IS a stormy course for Far Tortuga we 're sailin' an' the cap'n 'll not rest easy at the bottom of the sea 'til the treasure be ours ! ’
11 Even if the accident does not seem serious at the time , but you think it might have some ill-effect in the future you should apply to the DSS for a decision that it was an industrial accident .
12 James will not sit straight at the table , he sits
13 What you would do in your case with children is probably appoint them all and then they do n't all have to prove so they would hopefully discuss this at the time and say Well you know I 'm a long way away why do n't you two get on with .
14 ‘ You 've already had one long journey today and I 'd rather you did n't fall asleep at the wheel . ’
15 They wo n't need that at the moment .
16 ‘ I do n't need this at the moment , Mum , I 've had a terrible night .
17 Oh , well , I mean I really did n't need this at the moment with daddy coming in and everything . .
18 Finally , they would be told ( though they did n't know this at the beginning ) to make fair copies of their poems , taking on any of the suggestions they 'd agreed with , as well as things that occurred to them later .
19 You ca n't do much at the Print Manager end to speed things up , aside from giving it more priority .
20 I could n't do that at the start .
21 You do n't do that at the table boy !
22 Now is you remember last time we said we would n't do this at the minute because we erm we 've got erm a
23 I certainly do n't feel safe at the moment .
24 The County Council 's position is it does n't feel able at the moment to express a definitive view on these three elements in respect of er of either sector .
25 Playing from sloping lies causes problems if you do n't feel comfortable at the address position .
26 And we do n't become lost at the end of lives , we do n't become lost at some date in history , we are lost now if he has n't found us .
27 WALES captain Andrew Puddle led by example in his side 's six-wicket Minor Counties win over Dorset at Cherborne School — a victory that did n't look possible at the start of play on the second day .
28 So you ca n't sound surprised at the line , you know , if somebody calls for Fred Bloggs and you have n't got a clue who he is , do n't sound surprised , because it 's probably this divert train .
29 We 've had a lot about politics this morning , and if the Labour Party wants to mobilize working women many of them who did n't vote Labour at the last election here is a ready made campaign to take into the next election .
30 Do n't vote Labour at the next election .
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