Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] they [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The organisers of the conference had amassed the hundreds of rights suggested under 17 different principles , hoping eventually to amalgamate them into a single-page charter and a declaration similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
2 It was easy enough to spot them in the distance if they were in a clearing on the mountainside , but extremely difficult to detect them as Abdullahi and I approached through a tangle of giant heath that rose far above our heads .
3 Certainly the Gulf Stream is quite strong enough to carry them across the Atlantic to the shores of Europe .
4 Time enough and soon enough to greet them in the morning 's light when the men would have said their prayers and the womenfolk would have been to Mass and a stranger with a fiddle might be a welcome diversion from the day 's chores .
5 ‘ How I loathe people who raise one 's hopes , only to dash them to the ground ! ’
6 To follow the close-up of the pre-headed letter , the first shot should show all the performers together to establish them in the setting .
7 Supposing , however , the defence has to cope with attackers pushing up just far enough to catch them on the turn and stay onside .
8 The capital was large enough to provide them with the anonymity they badly needed .
9 The fact that you were weak enough to choose them in the first place is another thing altogether , ’ she finished triumphantly .
10 One may wish to study the statistics of word usage or word order with a view to understanding a text better , to catch nuances of meaning and perhaps to render them into a different language .
11 I mean last week the choppers werny even gettin in to pick them off the Rigs what with the gales and that so basically I 've just got to expect him when I see him .
12 But she nipped back down to nick 'em For a knees-up in High Wycombe , For an evening quite near Chevening And a dawn at Kilmacolm .
13 The problem that exists is that factions of governors who are members of the European Central Bank and who disagree with its policies may join together to frustrate them at the national level .
14 It has been argued that catholic schools do not do the job for which they were set up , that is educate Roman catholics sufficiently to keep them in the church .
15 The only alternative would be to require the new unitary councils to club together to carry out this and other strategic functions , but that begs the question : Why abolish the counties in the first place , only to recreate them in a less accountable form ?
16 As with the Cel Editor , you may import a number of different image file types to form your background , and may , indeed , find that you prefer to work on backgrounds in another package altogether , and bring them into the Background Editor only to convert them to the Device Independent Bitmap ( DIB ) format that is native to the package .
17 Somehow she could not help but suspect that he would think it immoral to squeeze extra wages out of his stepfather , only to hoard them beneath the floorboards .
18 It was West Ham 's first victory for nearly 2½ months , but was not enough to lift them from the bottom of the First Division .
19 ‘ I 'd rather be doing it on my own , ’ Maria responded waspishly , taking advantage of the fact that no one was near enough to overhear them for the moment .
20 This is not to evade questions of strategy and tactics , merely to place them in an appropriate context .
21 These are waters which do not , as a rule , produce big bream , for with so many mouths to share the available food there is only enough to maintain them at a low body weight .
22 And looked after them and er after them and took pride i i in to have them in the best condition .
23 When bits of them broke off you had only to plunge them into the earth and they grew into new cactuses .
24 It is much better only to tell them of the happier events in your life : the progress the children are making and the amusing things they say , descriptions of family outings and news of old friends and neighbours .
25 Why not , the mandarins decided , invite a few of our foreign friends over to reintroduce them to The True path .
26 They were in a similar position to the person coming along on a standby basis for an airline seat as against the passenger paying a full fare , and without the full rights of a standby passenger , in the sense that the decision whether or not to accommodate them in the college was entirely discretionary .
27 ‘ I went over to see them in a tea dance one Friday and they said it was like they were being auditioned .
28 We recognise that those who live and work in the vicinity of our plants have the right to know about our activities and we are doing our very best to provide them with the information they require .
29 the best way to solve pollution problems is not to create them in the first place .
30 ‘ The best way to solve pollution problems is not to create them in the first place .
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