Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He went on to report that on the previous Saturday , Field 's case had come before Mr.Justice Heath ; three of the four witnesses had been examined and there had been no evidence to prove that the deceased had received blows on her stomach , the diseased state of which organ caused her death .
2 We can go on to observe that since the middle of the twentieth century there has been a big revival of informal street music , produced in non-literate , often amateur performance and through the public dissemination of recordings ( see Prato 1984 ) ; this has , of course , gone along with a wave of amateur music-making , centred on the guitar and on non-literate modes of production , whit h in the rock 'n' roll , ski Me and ‘ beat group ’ periods ( the late 1950s and the 1960s ) swept across the whole of Europe and North America .
3 It is merely to affirm that in the end if education is to grow deep roots in the working-class , they will be nourished more by what people learn than how they learn ’ .
4 I say this not because any holder of judicial office should ever regard it as an affront to be overruled by an appellate court but merely to emphasise that as a practical matter the chances are that the visitor probably will get it right .
5 Suppose now , however , that B , having accepted S 's repudiation in June , sees the market beginning to rise rapidly in July and , in an attempt to minimise his loss before the market rises further , buys replacement goods on July 15 at £115 per ton — ; only to discover that by the delivery date under the original contract ( December 1 ) the market price has fallen back to £110 per ton .
6 By notice of appeal dated 22 April 1992 the father appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that any consideration of the children 's welfare in the context of a judicial discretion under article 13 ( a ) of the Convention was relevant only as a material factor if it met the test of placing the children in an ‘ intolerable situation ’ under article 13 ( b ) ; ( 2 ) the judge should have limited considerations of welfare to the criteria for welfare laid down by the Convention itself ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law to reject the submission that in the context of the exercise of the discretion permitted by article 13 ( a ) the court was limited to a consideration of the nature and quality of the father 's acquiescence ( as found by the Court of Appeal ) ; ( 4 ) in the premises , despite her acknowledgment that the exercise of her discretion had to be seen in the context of the Convention , the judge exercised a discretion based on a welfare test appropriate to wardship proceedings ; ( 5 ) the judge was further in error as a matter of law in not perceiving as the starting point for the exercise of her discretion the proposition that under the Convention the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the state from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 6 ) the judge , having found that on the ability to determine the issue between the parents there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England , was wrong not to conclude that as a consequence the mother had failed to displace the fundamental premise of the Convention that the future of the children should be decided in the courts of the country from which they had been wrongfully removed ; ( 7 ) the judge also misdirected herself when considering which court should decide the future of the children ( a ) by applying considerations more appropriate to the doctrine of forum conveniens and ( b ) by having regard to the likely outcome of the hearing in that court contrary to the principles set out in In re F. ( A Minor ) ( Abduction : Custody Rights ) [ 1991 ] Fam. 25 ; ( 8 ) in the alternative , if the judge was right to apply the forum conveniens approach , she failed to have regard to the following facts and matters : ( a ) that the parties were married in Australia ; ( b ) that the parties had spent the majority of their married life in Australia ; ( c ) that the children were born in Australia and were Australian citizens ; ( d ) that the children had spent the majority of their lives in Australia ; ( e ) the matters referred to in ground ( 9 ) ; ( 9 ) in any event on the facts the judge was wrong to find that there was little to choose between the Family Court of Australia and the High Court of England as fora for deciding the children 's future ; ( 11 ) the judge was wrong on the facts to find that there had been a change in the circumstances to which the mother would be returning in Australia given the findings made by Thorpe J. that ( a ) the former matrimonial home was to be sold ; ( b ) it would be unavailable for occupation by the mother and the children after 7 February 1992 ; and ( c ) there would be no financial support for the mother other than state benefits : matters which neither Thorpe J. nor the Court of Appeal found amounted to ‘ an intolerable situation . ’
7 However , you need also to know that in a very few cases , you can get a negative result even though you are infected .
8 ‘ The principle that a defendant must take the plaintiff as he finds him involves that if a wrongdoer ought reasonably to foresee that as a result of his wrongful act the victim might require medical treatment he is , subject to the principle of novus actus interveniens , liable for the consequences of the treatment applied although he could not reasonably foresee those consequences or that they could be serious . ’
9 Now to sell that over the phone when you have n't got the brochures and to do is a difficult side of it .
10 In a series of examples , Lieberson goes on to demonstrate that under a variety of conditions , unmeasured selectivity can produce wrong answers and identify wrong patterns .
11 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
12 Though his popular image undoubtedly embodied the broad ideological prejudices and aspirations of the masses — including anti-Semitism — it appears hard to argue that at the time that Hitler was gaining his widest electoral support the ‘ Jewish Question , was the decisive element in his growing appeal .
13 Although Granville probably realized the damaging implications of the fact that the Government had asked for the office designs without owning or having authority to acquire the land for them , he then went on to say that with the block plan , Parliament could choose :
14 I 'll go on to say that on the question of progressive migration restraint , I do n't think anybody round this table is suggesting otherwise .
15 Therefore , one further reason why policemen dislike dealing with rape might well be that they feel uneasy about having to ask the very personal questions which are necessary in order for the victim to be taken seriously , and on the occasion quoted above the sergeant went on to say that as a result of asking for these very personal details policemen ‘ have had a very bad rap over dealing with rape cases ’ ( FN 16/3/87 , p. 14 ) .
16 The judge went on to say that in the Al Saudi Banque case [ 1989 ] 3 All ER 361 , Mr Justice Millett had held that foreseeability that a lender might rely on audited accounts was not enough in itself to establish the duty of care .
17 Chairman , back in nineteen eighty when the County Council 's original structure plan submission was examined , the panel who subsequently the Secretary of State rejected the proposal for a policy to control development in the open countryside outside the nationally designated areas , primarily to suggest that on the grounds that the agricultural policy in the plan were equally capable of achieving the objectives sort by the proposed open countryside policy .
18 At the second appeal Murphy 's conviction was quashed , a new witness coming forward to say that at the time of the murder in Luton he had seen Murphy in a London street .
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