Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] the [adj -est] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The submarine , which was eventually to provide the best means of delivering the torpedo , was still an infant ; only one or two curious submersible craft had been built and they had not yet affected naval thinking .
2 It was one of those gorgeous early mornings when the sun has just risen but it 's still dark enough to see the brightest stars .
3 The first stages are fitted with input offset adjustments just large enough to cancel the largest field likely to be encountered , namely the total inclined component in the middle latitudes .
4 ‘ Many farmers think it saves money only to treat the best cows in the herd — those which have had clinical mastitis or those with a known high cell-count .
5 For years those fans have suffered the frustration of supporting the team through thick and thin only to see the best seats at big matches filled by the detested ‘ fur-coat brigade ’ .
6 The food plant for both the small tortoiseshell and the peacock is the stinging nettle , so to stand the best chance of finding their caterpillars , start inspecting large clumps of nettles about the middle of May .
7 The plastic box used ( see parts list ) is also high enough to accept the highest component on the p.c.b. , namely the mains transformer .
8 I am also visiting the various sites over coming weeks and look forward to hearing your views about how we can work together to secure the best outcome for AEA and its employees .
9 She bent down to retrieve the best china from the floor , whilst Ray picked up teaspoons with one hand and dabbed at the goat 's milk with the other holding his handkerchief .
10 Each element of the array could be a fixed length character string , but this would be quite wasteful of memory as this fixed length would have to be enough to fit the longest word in the list .
11 But he is confident enough to assert the best way to tackle the problem of low intelligence among deprived children may be through measures designed to improve their nutrition .
12 One crop that seems to have flourished in the late eighteenth-century Weald was hops ; the rapid expansion of the Georgian population produced an urgent demand for more beer , not only to escape the worst features of contemporary living but as a very basic foodstuff for the poor .
13 It was at this time that many growers began to group together to form the earliest co-operatives in Champagne .
14 But when we tol When we told us they said Oh they 'd have come down to match the nearest competitor , and we thought oh why did he quote up there in the first place then .
15 ‘ Liverpool are lucky enough to have the best fans in the world and I know they 'll turn up the volume and strike fear into Spartak .
16 ‘ This trio only has long-term chances of survival if it uses all chances to work together to get the best results , ’ he said .
17 Added to which , a serious takeover bid by the Navy at a time when the Services needed to stand together to mitigate the worst excesses of the Sandys Reformation , would have been unforgivable .
18 So National Savings , that 's not a bad decision , cos I mean National Savings are absolutely secure , and the other thing is that you do n't need to put twenty five thousand pounds in to get the highest rate , you 'll get the highest rate from two thousand pounds upwards , so it 's very good for small amounts .
19 This heavy gauge Chinese wok with wooden handle is 33cm/13in in size — large enough to toss the tastiest stir fry for the hungriest family .
20 So-called direct tactics would n't be good enough to beat the best teams at international level .
21 It is one of the remarkable features of the Bible that it contains enough to occupy the greatest intellects for a lifetime , and yet the simplest soul can read and understand , and in reading with an obedient heart find God himself .
22 It is necessary to follow the routines exactly to obtain the best results .
23 The French refused to take part in the project because Dassault was not to receive the largest proportion of the contracts and , in June 1992 , Germany decided that , since the threat from the Warsaw pact was gone and she was unlikely to participate in out-of-area conflicts , she had no more use for the aircraft .
24 Extremely soft water may not contain sufficient calcium to maintain growth of the skeleton while excessively hard water is thought not to favour the best quality of coloration and finnage .
25 We were there not to service the latest release plans of the record companies but to represent a submerged but vastly influential music culture .
26 Seeing just how comprehensive a work this is , with factory serial number , date of registration , date of next C of A expiry , owner's/operator 's name and probable base all listed , I can only surmise that the note-scribblers/pocket memo mumblers — many of whom seem not to have the slightest knowledge or interest in the type of aeroplane on which the letters are painted — are performing the latter-day equivalent of the sacred ritual which I and many others who have long since outgrown it once enacted in John W.R. Taylor 's ABC of Civil Aircraft Makings .
27 It is too important not to have the widest success .
28 In short of having before your Lordship a very complicated er array of procedural options , er the , the view that has been taken by , my lead was the most appropriate er course was to come and argue the issue substantially and then in the light of what your Lordship rules thereafter to see the best way forward in terms of further procedural applications to your Lordship .
29 The answer is always to try the simplest thing first .
30 Users are , however , urged always to use the latest version of the header when entering modules .
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