Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meryl burned at the memory of that piercing look , which had shot right through her armour of professional resentment to the vulnerable core .
2 But somehow , she felt , the words had passed right through her mind without leaving any deposit of meaning behind .
3 Nice to speak to you , erm , I 'd just like to say that er , take me now as a , as a normal chap from England who looked across right through his life at Russia as the big bad bear and eight years ago I had the opportunity of going over there , just an ordinary chap and er , of course , there 's so much about the Soviet Union we do n't know , we did , we , erm , for instance we were over there in 1982 when they were celebrating sixty years of the incorporation of the saints into the Soviet Union .
4 I had an arrow right through my body from back to front somewhere in the region of my lower ribs .
5 Mitterrand , however , said that France would remain outside the alliance 's military structure , noting that this policy had worked successfully for his country for a quarter of a century .
6 When in 1830 the Duchess of Northumberland was appointed official governess , Lehzen stayed as lady in attendance and Victoria 's constant attendant , without an official appointment , until 1842 , acting latterly as her secretary in private matters .
7 Sangster has also fared badly through his involvement with Classic Thoroughbreds , a more recent venture .
8 Likes and dislikes apart , the inheritance which matters most for our thinking at this stage is more to do with what has fashioned our inner responses , especially the responses which cause us discomfort , anger , anxiety or conflict .
9 This covers a remarkably wide field starting at the installation , calibration and purely functional end of flight recorders and leading on through their recovery from the wreckage and the techniques of repairing and reading damaged recordings to the ultimate interpretation of the spoken words and environmental noises in the cockpit and the determination of the aerodynamic implications of recorded data .
10 In the way by which he was brought up by hand and also how his hands are burnt and so scarred by the fire in which he tries to save Miss Havisham , perhaps showing physically the mental scars he has taken on through his treatment of others , especially Joe .
11 Lydia found it remarkable that the people who fussed most about their health with particular reference to diet and exercise seemed rather ill , just as those who enthused most warmly about sexual freedom were rather plain .
12 The black leader says he will accept the Number Two nomination from any Democrat , but many Jews , who make up a good third of New York 's Democratic voters , dislike Jackson intensely for his support of the Palestinian cause and past reference to New York as ‘ Hymietown ’ .
13 If you are not interested in CPU time etc. for your use of LIFESPAN , then you will probably only have one LIFESPAN Process UIC , if indeed you have any .
14 Earlier , in 1888 , another referee had complained bitterly about his ill-treatment by a Bolton crowd and ‘ the dirty-nosed little rascals , who spoil every football match they go to ’ .
15 But the Guider and all the Pack learned later on about her meeting with the stranger on the seat , because at the next Pack Meeting the Guider read out a letter from Mr. Bishop , the estate agent , which said the Earl of Ferngrove had given special instructions that the Brownie Guide Pack could continue to use the Park whenever they wished , as he was quite satisfied , thanks to a chat he 'd had with one of them , that they were very careful not to leave litter about in the Park .
16 Living in the moment , she drank her milk and began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist .
17 Tarantino also has a bet on about his interpretation of Madonna 's ‘ Like A Virgin ’ .
18 He goes on about his experience of life and how he knows more about it .
19 Williams would always like talking about Orton , although he would publicly protest for years that it was so boring to keep going on about his relationship with the writer .
20 Going on about his birthday as if it was the Second Coming . ’
21 You mentioned earlier on about your attitude towards the erm minerals and mining
22 There are signs , though , that cricket may be sliding slowly off its pedestal in the Caribbean .
23 After that she began to tell them a little about her life in Scotland , particularly her life with the Rosenblooms .
24 However , he cared little about his life at this time , and it was possible that this lone female might be in need of courteous assistance .
25 Actually , I 've heard a little about your relationship from my aunt — like the fact that you refused to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd kicked her out of the house . ’
26 Hazily through his sense of nightmare and unreality Harry knew the long shape of the rack with its ropes and pulleys , and the blackened irons laid by the brazier , and the whips dropped into sconces on the wall .
27 " Leave the Community , then neither of us will feel so badly about our treachery to Benedicta and the others .
28 Court etiquette was now familiar to Joan , since she had watched avidly all that went on during her chaperonage of her young mistress .
29 Now begin to breathe out slowly through your nose in a smooth continuous flow until the abdomen is drawn in and the rib-cage and chest are relaxed .
30 He began to appreciate his wife a little for her lack of romance and her low cost .
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