Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 He had no official status and no powers of arrest , but once he 'd identified Alina then the two officers along with him would have been able to detain her on immigration charges .
2 We sometimes get the feeling that not all the bodies that come down to us need have done . ’
3 The other people all around us must have thought — I do n't know what they must have thought .
4 At some time or another most of us will have sat beside the shore of a loch when there 's complete calm and not a breath of air .
5 It took the view that the upper limit is arbitrary , and might operate unfairly , since a person just above the limit receives no assistance , whereas a person just below it might have to make a substantial contribution but would have the security of knowing that that contribution represents the maximum liability for costs regardless of the actual cost or the outcome of the case .
6 In the Trocadero large quantities of objects were displayed in a crowded , haphazard fashion , and , while Picasso was undoubtedly overwhelmed by what he saw and experienced , the impression he carried away with him must have been of a very general , metaphysical kind .
7 In the case of light , therefore , this means that stars moving away from us will have their spectra shifted toward the red end of the spectrum ( red-shifted ) and those moving toward us will have their spectra blue-shifted .
8 It was clear , too , that Kanhai , who had taken over the leadership from Sobers , was coming to the end of his career and that whoever took over from him would have the opportunity for an extended run in the job if he were successful .
9 They should be er both of them could have put that all in black .
10 Quite good English , the icing did n't turn out as it might have done , ca n't have what it might have done .
11 Now as you let's have a look at er the track layout of the place .
12 He might not even be there and the whole thing would have been for nothing and all he would have got out of it would have been kicks .
13 This meant that they would n't be back before the pubs closed , but I also knew that if they knew who I was going out with they would have locked me in .
14 They turn the water off , and then when they say do you want the water back on you can have a meter , but they do n't tell you , you pay thirty five pound a quarter for the meter , and that 's without a bit of water going through it .
15 You know I 've got my tickets then from I 'll have to go .
16 If I 'd told you about the entry earlier on it might have lulled you into a false sense of complacency .
17 The quantities of waste water are often great , so that a treatment plant designed to cope adequately with them may have to be large and therefore expensive to install .
18 Which would have been doubly misleading for I had never felt more in search of company , nor indeed more indebted to Manhattan , the city without him being a great deal more like the city we had lived in together than anywhere else without him would have been .
19 This is not a step to be undertaken lightly for it can have serious implications , even if the test result is negative .
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