Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun pl] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 distinction is made only between cases where countries reschedule their foreign debt and those where they do not ; alternative strategies such as refinancing , restructuring , foreign exchange controls , etc , are ignored , and
2 Besides , Jessie had been with Marion for years , following her from production to production , doing sewing and little chores in between times when Marion was ‘ resting ’ .
3 Affecting fibrous tissues and joints , especially of ankles when parts feel cold or numb and are better ( > ) cold applications .
4 any motor vehicle standing on a part of a road specially set aside for the parking of vehicles , or as a stand for hackney carriages , or as a stand for public service vehicles , or as a place at which such vehicles may stop for a longer time than is necessary for the taking up and setting down of passengers where compliance with this regulation would conflict with the provisions of any order , regulations or byelaws governing the use of such part of a road for that purpose ;
5 Chris believes that it is no accident that many of the herbs which are associated with fish and cooking , such as parsley and fennel , grow better in places where fish have access to them .
6 BELOW In countries where rain is likely to be a problem , shelters can be erected under which excavation can take place in all weathers .
7 The school timetable came in for a lot of criticism , especially in cases where arrangements resulted in classes split between two teachers .
8 Not surprisingly , in view of the public pressure , the police responded by adopting routine tactics of stopping and searching black people in the street , especially in areas where muggings were thought to be commonplace .
9 These skills may build on families ' coping capacities and lessen coercion , especially in situations where risks and needs are great .
10 Perhaps in societies where women in the extended family or tribe naturally spend a lot of time together , there is a healthier , more relaxed attitude to life .
11 This is particularly so in circumstances where accountants carry out what are referred to as ‘ corporate finance activities ’ ( broadly , corporate finance related work and much of the corporate advisory work you might expect us to undertake for you ) .
12 This is recognised by s 17(3) of the SGSA which amends s 7(4) of the UCTA so that it applies only in cases where s 7(3A) has no application .
13 He felt that such a clause would be unreasonable , since the ship was likely to break down in circumstances where return to the yard would be impracticable .
14 The ability to visit libraries and information services , to sit in on programmes etc permits a sound basis for a valid advisory and consultancy role .
15 Only at moments when pressure has been exerted by groups seeking some radical reorientation of the discipline , or when reorientation has been fiercely resisted , have manifestos of any substance appeared : Churton Collins 's campaign against Oxford in the 1890s , the Newbolt Report which developed out of the initiatives of the English Association , the Scrutiny movement , and most recently , the new right .
16 But permission was turned down by councillors so officers have demanded any future breaches of conditions could result in officers taking action .
17 You expect such tactics with cars nearing the end of their life , not with models just months old .
18 Those taking up headland set-aside could site it either against a footpath , or right away from areas where members of the public were likely to go .
19 The first issue , published in 1970 , appeared as an annotated catalogue to the then National Book League 's touring exhibition and as a guide to book buyers away from centres where books were displayed .
20 It has the disadvantage that it can be used only in closed systems , not in flows where fluid is continuously entering and leaving .
21 Thus in countries where industrialisation and the establishment of the trade union movement came somewhat later this facilitated the organisation of industrial rather than craft unions and , in turn , often contributed to a strongly socialist influence over the labour movement .
22 Thus in societies where kinship is an important determinant of behaviour , brothers and sisters are expected to present a common front to the world .
23 Thus in years when lemmings and other small rodents are plentiful ( see below ) , owls , skuas , jaegers and other aerial predators fare well and raise many offspring .
24 Women are presumed to be able to cope domestically in circumstances where men are presumed to be unable to manage : they can cook , clean and care for themselves even if they are physically impaired ( Wenger , 1984 ) .
25 The strategy of the Bank of England is to bring forward auctions and offers for sale by tender at times when it thinks market demand will be strong and not at times when prices are falling .
26 This is reflected in the social events for women compositors organized by the printing firms , usually with women only present , when a programme of events was performed by talented compositors .
27 You said it 's off on Wednesdays ad Fridays .
28 Sex Roles ’ and Psychology of Women Quarterly 's occasional articles and special issues on lesbianism repeat the ‘ just like us ’ parallelism of conventional psychology by dealing predominantly with areas where lesbians are commonly expected to differ from heterosexual women , like gender role , relationships , work role , and parenthood .
29 Dods moved to stand-off , Townsend switching to centre during the New Zealand contest , in which the Scots conceded four first-half tries to Peter Woods ( 2 ) , Todd Wolf and Todd Blackadder , three virtually straight from kick-offs where Townsend could not match the looping flight the Fijians achieved .
30 This unquestioning acceptance of the established conditions of work is a form of indoctrination ( even if unintended ) of the students , many of whom will end up in jobs where wages are variable and income uncertain .
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