Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 MILLIONAIRE Alan Sugar will be staying on as chairman following the defeat of his buy-out plan .
2 Just long enough for Jinny to bolt the door .
3 ‘ It is fair enough for Sky to win the match contract , but to feel they have bought all clubs body and soul is dangerous as well as actionable .
4 It was easy enough for Rodomonte to follow the path taken by Molassi .
5 Only for Holly did the fire live on .
6 Such whistles were blown only during war to offer the warrior supernatural protection .
7 Research carried out in 1985 showed that 20–25 per cent of hotel guests cared sufficiently about fitness to view the provision of leisure facilities as a major determinant in selecting a place to stay ( Lodging Hospitality , Feb. 1985 ) .
8 ‘ I want to hand my cans in as mayor to lead the way , ’ said Coun Bolland .
9 THE controversial film Cathy Come Home is to be screened on British television for the first time in 17 years in as attempt to highlight the plight of the homeless .
10 Halfway through cockpit checks the crew decided that the aircraft was unserviceable , so they all got out and tramped back to the Squadron offices .
11 Property : Do n't let yourself in for trouble Choosing the right agent is essential if you want to rent your property .
12 Cincinnati Bell Inc has had the all clear from Standard & Poor 's Corp , which affirmed Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co 's double-A-minus senior debt rating on its $285m or so of debt following the company 's announcement that it would file for a 9% increase in local services and a three-year alternative regulation plan beginning January 1 1994 .
13 During the final hour or so of cooking put the raisins and currants previously well washed , in a separate oven pot , and with water to cover them , to bake .
14 The peace and quiet of the morning was shattered by someone bellowing something from the direction of Brigade H.Q Suddenly into view comes the Brigadier , Derek Mills Roberts .
15 It was found that when the test environment was the same as that used for pre-exposure , the rats learned only with difficulty to approach the source of the familiar odour — that is , latent inhibition occurred .
16 I assure you Committee have full confidence in the prudent manner our Management Co is looking after our Village together with Crestacare honouring the terms of our Lease to the full , not forgetting our Warden/Manager Mr and Mrs Philip Holmes whose co-operation is very much appreciated .
17 Nevertheless , Yon reiterated his government 's oft-stated demand for negotiations with the USA alone in order to replace the current armistice agreement , in force since the ending of hostilities in 1953 , with a full peace treaty to end the Korean war .
18 This case covers perhaps in classic form the problematic use of a woman 's previous sexual history in determining the outcome of a rape trial .
19 Your Lord if one turns to the issues of reference , er the commercial quarters as we discussed yesterday should only make a reference if it 's necessary to do so in order to resolve the case and has the discretion whether to make a reference under article one seven , seven
20 Bernard was at the least reckoning an ambitious yeoman , the kind we expect to find purchasing land , like the Chibnalls of Sherington , not selling — unless , of course , he had done so in order to finance the purchase of his lease , or to stock the new and very much bigger farm ; but this is pure speculation .
21 LORD WRIGHT : I think the jury should be directed by the judge that the respondent Association had a legal right to put the person 's name on the stop list , so long as they did so in order to promote the trade interests of the Association and its members and not with intent to injure , and so long as the money , fine or penalty demanded was reasonable and not extortionate .
22 In order to win an election , a party would make extravagant promises , doing so in order to outbid the other party .
23 Under that section , the constable would be empowered to seize only if it is ‘ necessary ’ to do so in order to prevent the evidence being concealed , altered , lost or destroyed .
24 That a person has done so in order to extract the monnaie .
25 Well because the labour in say this country is over productive , this has an awful lot of categories attached to each unit of labour , that 's why labour is very productive , is that you for each unit of labour employed there might be ten units of capital , I E there are chemicals etcetera , the reason why erm this this pressure on the land in say Africa , Africa , even though the density of population was much less and that there 's virtually no capital there , right , so in order to produce the food , you know the labour has to till the soil by hand and spread the seed by hand
26 Traditionally they had looked to the Reich to trade their lumber , wheat , furs and amber , and they had every intention of continuing to do so in order to spite the Polish state .
27 For his sisters needed brotherly protection if they were to remain worthy to marry into the Ducas clan , and so in turn protect the future of the fallen d'Arquebus family .
28 His actions in doing so in fact obstructed the police .
29 They had travelled to Berlin merely in order to join the queue of refugees trying to get home .
30 Most reluctantly , for he had no wish to offend Andrew Gardner , a good friend , whose wife was William Weir 's aunt , the Duke of Montrose agreed to James Graham 's proposal for Weir 's removal , but this was done only in order to retain the services of a good man in the office of bailie-substitute , for whom no alternative was in sight .
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