Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some Anglophile girls in Adidas plead fruitlessly for admission to the bus in the hope of getting a piece of Clint .
2 And this she did , holding on for support to the iron rail that rimmed the wooden edge of the cart and which helped to keep the rags in place .
3 Roy Nash ( 1973 , p. 17 ) discovered that pupils as young as eight years were able to say which children in the class were better than them at reading , writing and number ; and their self-perceived class rank correlated highly with the rankings made by the teacher at the researcher 's request ( and therefore not explicitly available hitherto for communication to the children ) .
4 A few years earlier a friend and fellow member of Brooks 's , Cyril Salmon , a former Lord Justice of Appeal , had put my name down for election to the Seniors Golfing Society , an English-based club for golfers over the age of fifty-five who met from time to time at a variety of attractive courses .
5 Crown woods in the Forest of Dean acquired new importance as a profitable source of wood and timber , especially for sale to the ironworks .
6 Later , play-group and school greatly extend the range of influences , especially through exposure to a wide range of planned and spontaneous social interactions with peers .
7 Regardless of evidence to the contrary , the authorities in the People 's Republic of China maintain that there are no political prisoners in China .
8 Subtitled ‘ Patterns and Textures ’ , it somehow lacks the immediate impact of its predecessor in that whilst its contents are produced to an equal if not higher standard , the nine disks contain a stunning range of patterns and textures , they are really only of use to the professional illustrator .
9 Excuses are only of interest to the competition , problems and difficulties need facing and resolving .
10 Because such systems do not take into account the variation in individuals , they are generally only of interest to the classicist .
11 Because such systems do not take into account the variation in individuals , they are generally only of interest to the classicist .
12 The results have to be published and should not be only of interest to the client group who put forward the proposal .
13 This finding that the interpretation of surface anaphors is not determined solely by a representation of the superficial aspects of the preceding text prompts the corresponding question : are deep anaphors interpreted only with reference to a mental model ?
14 Far from meeting the equivalence criterion , these alternations express differences in focus which can be explicated only with reference to the discourse matrix in which they are embedded ; furthermore , they do not have a systematic social distribution in the speech community .
15 This is not truly a third party claim , as the basis for the claim of material breach is party status to the first treaty ; it is only with respect to the subsequent treaty that there is a third party relationship .
16 Each picture-strip depicted both of the events referred to by the sentence , and the two strips differed only with respect to the order in which the events were depicted .
17 In reality , however , conflict and integration are incompatible only with respect to the particular actions and intentions constitutive of the conflict , and the particular ends sought by each of the parties to the conflict …
18 The communicative situations evoked by different poems may vary considerably , not only with respect to the identity of the speaking persona , but also with respect to the scope of the deictic field , the presence and status of the addressee , the position reserved for the reader and so on .
19 The document is aimed at stimulating international solidarity , not only with regard to the effects of the refugee crisis , but above all tot he causes of the tragedy .
20 Cost may well be a big influence on all your decisions , but choose the venue not only with regard to the quantity and type of work you have for display but also the likely customers it will attract , and therefore its location .
21 Only with regard to the first has there been even limited success .
22 The various police forces also keep some links with the metropolitan police , especially with respect to the special branches established to counteract ‘ subversive , activity ( Gordon 1980:Ch. 4 ) .
23 Applying Kirchhoff 's current law to node S of the inverting configuration and assuming that the input impedance between the inverting and noninverting terminals of the operational amplifier is high enough to neglect current through them compared with that through Z 1 and Z 2 Consequently provided that A is large enough With respect to the noninverting configuration of figure 10.9(b) , neglecting the current through the inverting terminal of the operational amplifier again compared with that through Z 1 and Z 2 so that if A is large enough
24 So with regard to the miracles , questions such as ‘ Could this happen ? ’ or ‘ What happened ? ’ are not the questions to ask .
25 Whilst still positive , Solihull secondary school teachers are somewhat less so with regard to the flexibility and effectiveness of the booklet than with its general utility .
26 While States may by treaty opt out of a rule of customary international law inter se , they can not do so with respect to a third party which is entitled to have its customary rights observed .
27 Some European banks have opened branches and acquired local US banks to give them a stake in a country committed to free enterprise and profit , along with access to the domestic dollar market .
28 On the other hand , in the next ten units ( Saint Laurent , Chinon , and Cruas ) , the engine rooms are located radially with respect to the reactor buildings .
29 a landlord of premises let together with furniture to a tenant whose term is still unexpired ; if the furniture is wrongfully seized by the sheriff , it is the tenant and not the landlord who can sue for conversion .
30 In view of the existence of such stimuli to public awareness of traffic calming , together with proximity to the innovative traffic planners in the Netherlands , it is not surprising that the Germans have constructed many Woonerven in residential areas , as we have seen .
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