Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Your van is distinctive enough to be easily recognised . ’
2 The figure is close enough to be easily identified and the expressions can clearly be seen , while enough of the background remains visible to place the subject in the setting .
3 Any drawing must be large enough to be clearly seen and also set the standard for items produced by the learner .
4 By the time I was old enough to be officially admitted to ‘ X ’ certificate performances the ‘ sixties had dawned and La Dolce Vita .
5 Some years ago , IBM bought into the videodisk business only to withdraw after it was tweaked by the press for backing a recording that purported to explain healthful massage but actually featured the kind of body rubbing one would n't show to anyone young enough to be dramatically influenced , Woody Allen 's romantic inclinations notwithstanding .
6 It is wide enough to be liberally interpreted and would cover pregnancy-related illness , miscarriages and abortions .
7 It is a notably hardy and thrifty breed , able to produce good milk yields from the poorest of fodder and an excellent smallholder 's cow , well suited to hill farms iii particular , light enough not to poach winter pastures and small enough to be tightly stocked .
8 In 1962 it was still new enough to be modern but poor enough to be half worn out .
9 The pensioner , who needed sedation when she arrived at the Countess of Chester hospital , is still not well enough to be fully interviewed by police .
10 Under this arrangement the Society received more than 3000 plants ; all to be carefully listed in the Philosophical Transactions .
11 Coventry , only to be narrowly beaten in a run-off with Gary Havelock .
12 As I was called by you on Question 16 , only to be discourteously interrupted by the hon. Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) , will you refer to the Procedure Committee whether or not such an interruption should be permitted as a means of closing a question , or whether Members should be afforded the courtesy of asking their question , after such an interruption , when Question Time ends ?
13 Smectite and illite may form preferentially near the weathering front only to be eventually altered to kaolinite , and perhaps gibbsite , as gradual lowering of the weathering front and erosion at the top of the profile effectively causes individual clay mineral particles to move up through the profile .
14 The prison had been destroyed by fire previously , and then rebuilt in 1780 , only to be badly damaged the same year by the Gordon Riots .
15 He doubled over , unable to help himself , only to be immediately uprighted by another punch which rocked him back on his heels .
16 How sad it is to behold how little importance life has for nature , these myriads of creatures called into being only to be immediately destroyed . "
17 A quick rush of hope surged through her , only to be instantly squashed when Isabel remembered the treacherous reality behind the truth .
18 Every tent and attraction seemed to be playing something different , and as they wandered round , stepping over lengths of cable , one burst of song would fade only to be instantly replaced by a snatch of something different .
19 Eleanor 's invitation came almost instantly to mind , but only to be instantly rejected .
20 It was one of those religious pamphlets that occasionally get pushed through the letterbox , only to be instantly thrown away : The Watchtower .
21 Taken in connection with the fact that Liverpool is the greatest seaport in the world , that one alone should remain a disorganised prey to designing knaves is one of the strange and unaccountable anomalies which frequently escape notice for a long time but only to be ultimately felt with greater force and overcome with greater resolution " .
22 Six weeks later , I wait three hours for him to appear only to be completely blown out .
23 It is her ambition to be tried for her life for murdering a small tobacconist with a meat-cleaver , only to be dramatically cleared when her alibi is established by the bishop who was confirming her at the very moment of the crime .
24 All leading dealers in the field attended the sale , only to be hopelessly outbid in every single case by private collectors who fought hard for what they wanted Swiss , French , Italians , Germans and five New York buyers were particularly in evidence .
25 JE Nicholson ( Points of View , 10 February ) has done more than 5,000 car journeys over the Forth Road Bridge into Edinburgh , only to be habitually overtaken by a man on a tricycle , and has concluded that a new road bridge is not the answer .
26 The English do not seem to have taken this too seriously ; the fyrd , or coastal militia , was disbanded and the fleet paid off at the most crucial time in late summer , only to be hastily recalled when Harold Hardrada , the Norwegian king , invaded the north .
27 Inevitably the brothers were acquitted , only to be hastily rearrested , George for countless frauds , and Joseph for wounding the porter with intent to kill .
28 Born in Cuba to a German-Jewish father and a black mother — ‘ I was sort of kosher , but swinging ’ — he cut sugar-cane in his youth before joining his father , a ship 's steward , on his travels , only to be accidentally left behind on Crete at 12 : ‘ I had to sit down for a minute — almost cried . ’
29 A year later , they were still in his mind when thinking simply of western civilization ; the Papuans came into his memory only to be cursorily dismissed as ‘ weak inaudible voices ’ .
30 Departing in October 1904 , it eventually reached the waters between Japan and Korea in May 1905 ( after a tortuous journey round the Cape of Good Hope ) , only to be virtually annihilated by a Japanese fleet under Admiral Tó0gó0 Heihachiró0 in the Straits of Tsushima .
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