Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] time when " in BNC.

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1 Somewhere between the time when they had fallen into an exhausted sleep and when she had woken to this grey dawn , all the joy and magic of what they had shared had faded , and she had been overcome by doubts .
2 This Victorian advertisement claims that Carminative Cordial tin which Dad had so much faith ) ‘ saved the lives of many , especially during the time when cholera raged in Salisbury ’ ( 1849 ) .
3 For Messrs Ames , Myers , Wilbraham , Hudd and Irens and the shell company specialists like Messrs Lever and D'Silva , this recession might be a period that , unlike most , they will be able to recall fondly as a time when they grew their businesses .
4 In December 1927 , while he was in the midst of his darkness , and in june 1928 when he was better , the House of Commons rejected a proposal , carried by large majorities in the Church bodies , for a new prayer book , which was the old prayer book , from the age of King Charles II , modestly revised in a pastoral spirit long after the time when it needed revision .
5 ‘ We were about twenty minutes altogether from the point where we realized they could n't get us down to the time when we stepped on to the roof .
6 In this programme , Stanley , at the age of 88 , looks back fondly to a time when he was , unquestionably , Champion of the World .
7 I would like to commend you for the support you give to rural artists and craftspeople , through your excellent articles — especially at a time when , due to cuts in grants , such people need all the help they can get .
8 This especially at a time when they were earning significant incomes from Blackwomen writers such as Alice Walker and Maya Angelou .
9 If any government were to try to force them to do so , there would interminable arguments about its definition and measurement , especially at a time when price controls and other government interventions are causing enormous distortions in enterprise incomes .
10 And Mark Irwin — editor of weekly soccer magazine Shoot ! — said : ‘ It seems a strange decision , especially at a time when you can hardly turn on the telly without some soccer being screened .
11 The evidence that it was an accident brought about by bullies was overwhelming , especially at a time when 9 out of 10 Britons were engulfed in a tide of hate for Hitler 's British Mosley stooges .
12 Buying a PC by mail order can be traumatic , especially at a time when companies are going bust with alarming regularity .
13 Despite the earlier campaigns to the Forth against the Britons , this further offensive and the resources which it required and continued to require while Mercian strength increased in southern England represented a serious dislocation of northern Anglian royal aspirations , especially at a time when Oswiu remained committed to the maintenance of his influence south of the Humber , at least in ecclesiastical affairs .
14 ‘ Frankly , it beggars belief that so many more people have suddenly become invalids , especially at a time when the health of the nation has improved , ’ Mr Major said in the Commons .
15 ‘ Frankly , it beggars belief that so many more people have suddenly become invalids , especially at a time when the health of the nation has improved , ’ Mr Major said in the Commons .
16 And since an expensive loaf caused havoc in St Jude 's and trouble in everybody 's weaving sheds , with demands for higher wages keeping profits down at a time when trade was far from good — when it would probably never rise again to the level of those early , heady days when the machines first came in — then Ben Braithwaite and his dinner guests had reason for their anxiety .
17 The growth characteristics of the bones are laid down at the time when the pattern is specified and the elements are very small and this early specification will control growth for many years ( Chapter 10 ) .
18 Sometimes a feature of the Constitution is discerned as such only at the time when it has just ceased to have much relevance .
19 However , the situation of older and younger generations is similar in a different sense , in that in both cases the position of individuals within those structures is determined very largely by factors outside their control — very obviously so at the time when the issue of old age pensions was first on the agenda .
20 The average Jew was the average Englishman , living off a weekly pay packet of four pounds a week or less at a time when , in the worst-hit areas for unemployment , up to twenty per cent of the population was below the poverty line .
21 Paradoxically , ‘ people 's capitalism ’ has been ushered in at a time when the long-term trend towards a greater equality in wealth may have been reversed , and in a manner that has firmly excluded the poorest from acquiring capital assets themselves .
22 They 've seen language labs , which are great , more or less mould away for lack of resources to keep them in working order , and they see micros coming in at a time when everything else is being cut .
23 The timeliness of the Minor award in these terms was noted by the head of history : The project came along at the time when we were thinking about cross-curricular developments anyway , and the school had been concerned about the particular pattern of study skills and how they could be extended and coordinated .
24 Once again , the two kings were stranded together at a time when the kingdom of Sicily was at a particularly explosive juncture in its long and turbulent history .
25 This collection has been brought together at a time when the Banjara people are gravitating towards the cities relinquishing their nomadic life and abandoning their dynamic textile art .
26 Curiosity will be aroused by an exhibition which unites artists who would never have agreed to show together at the time when this sculpture was being made .
27 But was n't it a risk setting up alone at a time when you would n't be able to work continuously ?
28 It is long since past the time when Her Majesty 's Government should take political and security decisions that would deny success to terrorists .
29 If your bitch is not neutered , you should be aware of the possibility of this behavioural change occurring soon after the time when she would normally have given birth , just over two months after her last heat .
30 Erm so that is and what we 're doing is to try and recreate the appearance of the house as it was not in the time when the canons had it , but when William had it because we know a lot about him and his family and also we know more about the furnishings of that period .
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