Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In its final moments a sophisticated urbane man in a nightclub is led discreetly through a back door into a room which is a mortuary run by nuns , one of whom shows him a dead body drawn out of a wall on a slab .
2 The groups of women artists who met and worked collaboratively during the same period are less clearly referenced in standard texts .
3 Stars could not shine were it not for particles — called neutrinos — that are so insubstantial that they have no mass at all and can travel right through a solid object like the Earth as if it simply did not exist .
4 When planners put forward proposals to build a road right through a beautiful stretch of country or to quarry an unspoiled area of a national park , The Ramblers ' Association puts up strong opposition .
5 Olympia has yielded magnificent bronzework from right through the archaic period , but stone sculpture there in this time is sparse and generally poor .
6 We generally sleep right through the early morning if it 's rough weather .
7 Then Julius glanced up at her , and for just an instant Jessamy seemed to see right through the protective shield with which he had surrounded himself .
8 Ah , I think the Foreign Office was trying to pursue the only sensible policy as it perceived it at the time , right through the entire period , um , since 1965 .
9 New towns continued to be founded right through the medieval period though after the early thirteenth century the changing economic conditions were no longer ideal for their development and the process tailed oft Queenborough , Kent ( 1368 ) is said to be the latest medieval planned town , though Bewdley , Worcestershire ( soon after 1477 ) , is probably the last one .
10 It caught her on the elbow of her right arm and sliced right through the botched teflon sutures that held the forearm below it in place .
11 Other companies prefer , you know , they 've got to be able to cope , but you , you , you know , you read various things that are said , and some companies are taking it much , much more seriously , and they 're realising the problems right the way down , right through the whole company that stress is causing , and trying to save money .
12 It handles all products right through the whole chain from hydrogen cyanide to ‘ Perspex ’ and ‘ Diakon ’ plastics and newer added-value materials such as ‘ Asterite ’ and ‘ Avron ’ .
13 Oh he 's brilliant , he has them stuck on the side of his wardrobe door on big pages this size , you know , maybe this height , and it 's detailed right through the whole thing .
14 Feeling the heat of his gaze right through the thin material , she folded her arms protectively , realising only when she saw his mouth curve into a mocking smile that she had merely pushed her breasts upwards , making them clearly visible above the ribbons and lace of the bodice .
15 Problems with the city s finances ran right through the local economy .
16 Rather , it acts to keep open a line of communication right through the vital terrain of the past , an important sector of the battlefield for faith .
17 It can occur much earlier , but the peak danger period for the disease generally begins from the early part of July , and may persist right through the growing season until the big temperature drops of late autumn upset it .
18 This lack of interest goes right through the educational system , In Ealing for example ( an area where a high proportion of the population is Asian ) not one school had facilities for teaching Asian languages .
19 Tom Shakeshaft , who is 15 , reveals his dismay at plans to drive a dual carriageway right through the beautiful piece of countryside where he lives .
20 However , despite the growing interest in this field of study , there has been no examination of this social group right through the late-medieval period and many aspects of its history remain problematic , even barely explored .
21 We had crowd-flow blockages , insufficient refreshment facilities , no VIP entrance , no security check until people were in the main auditorium , and no way to get backstage except by walking right through the main meeting , up the stairs onto the stage and out through the back — with everybody watching !
22 The dog therefore receives less benefit than normal , with food passing in a relatively undigested state right through the digestive tract .
23 Sir Henry de Bohun levelled his lance and charged at the unarmoured king ; but Bruce rose in his stirrups , and with his battleaxe cleft right through the English knight 's helmet and skull .
24 She drank from a cup so transparently delicate that its contents could be seen right through the patterned china .
25 And this car went th right through the through Road .
26 She competed successfully for a post-doctoral research fellowship at one of the less fashionable women 's colleges .
27 A NEW blood vessel ‘ drill ’ which can relieve blocked arteries supplying the heart has been used successfully for the first time by surgeons in Britain .
28 After the Restoration of Charles II Mabbott petitioned successfully for the lucrative office of manager for licences of wine and strong waters in Ireland for himself and his eldest surviving son , Kympton , then aged seven , letters patent being granted in January 1661 .
29 Local officials said that the move could result in the police and army being used locally for the first time , but reflected members ' anger and frustration .
30 The Green Party won representation locally for the first time with 14 seats ; and Sinn Féin won seven seats ( 10 in 1985 ) .
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