Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such ambiguities are not unique to Tanzania but run right through relationships between development agencies and African governments .
2 After 200 yds and immediately after track bends right through break in hedge turn left ( waymarked ) proceeding alongside hedge on left .
3 How to find an agency : Look locally for ads in health clinics , doctors ' surgeries , shop windows , or check in the telephone directory .
4 Goats were kept commercially for milk for cheese .
5 We are therefore the inheritors of this tradition whereby expertise , being concentrated , has accrued to the point now where technology allied with pedagogy can provide quite powerfully for children in need , in whatever their setting .
6 Strip grazing is used widely for cattle on kale , but is less popular with mixed stock or sheep on grass .
7 As expected , I found Prince Charles very easy to talk with and we had quite an informal chat , mostly about boats of course , before I stepped backwards along the red carpet with my medal pinned on .
8 Where they had been was raw earth , smothered with the rubbish and dust of bombardment , and pitted with curious mounds and recesses which Nicholas recognised only slowly as rank upon rank of recent , random , haphazard graves .
9 It is clear to all that precious blood has been shed foolishly or even criminally for purposes of prestige alone .
10 The main benefit areas in enterprises which have embarked upon computerised payroll and personnel information are : ( i ) Better personnel management/career planning/training Reduced attrition in key skill areas Matching of people requirements and availability Reduced recruiting costs Reduced training costs ( ii ) Ability to set headcount targets and control to monthly control numbers Reduced cost of people Productivity gains ( iii ) Ability to create computerised model of company payroll including job levels , skill levels , merit targets , headcounts , promotions , overtime , bonuses , shift allowance etc. etc. for use in wage budgeting/bargaining .
11 For years , the Tory Government has gone on about freedom of choice in education but it has only been those with money who have had any real choice .
12 And how pathetically ironic that a bunch of Americans , who normally carp on about freedom of speech and the First Amendment , resort to crushing records which contain perfectly innocent torch songs when they defend to the hilt the right of misogynist swine like 2 Live Crew to peddle their filth with impunity .
13 IT is unfortunate that NASUWT , the career teachers ' organisation , should be banging on about quality in education in a leaflet just issued .
14 I wish they 'd stop going on about Christmas for heaven 's sake , .
15 Yes , he was , because , after that , he started going on about nights of love .
16 Boussena 's tour coincided with a series of visits by Sa'adoun Hammadi , Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister , to Kuwait , Qatar , Saudi Arabia and the UAE , during which he pressed vigorously for cuts in production to be implemented .
17 ( 2 ) The conditions referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above are : ( a ) that the premises of the club are structurally adapted and bona ride used , or intended to be used , wholly or mainly for the purpose of providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests of athletic sports or athletic games ; ( b ) that one or more of such sports or games is or are usually carried on out of doors and , when so carried on , can ( unless artificial lighting is used ) only be carried on during hours of daylight ; ( c ) that the said premises are regularly used , or are intended regularly to be used , during the winter period , for providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests , during the hours of daylight , of such a sport or game as is mentioned in paragraph ( ii ) above ; ( d ) that having regard to the time at which the said sport or game is usually carried on by members of the club and their guests , the permitted hours set out in section 53(3) of this Act are not suitable for the supply of alcoholic liquor in the said premises to persons who participate in that sport or game .
18 All right as name of café , but no more .
19 The 9 and 11 June amendment widens the scope of the categories of objects concerned and increases the time limit within which a claim for restitution can be made from thirty to fifty years , removing it altogether for objects in state or ecclesiastical ownership .
20 Winter visitors disperse quite rapidly in April and May , and little through passage in spring is shown by the counts in Fig. 2 , except in 1973 and 1974 when a marked movement occurred in the second half of February .
21 In the 1946 birth cohort , their effects were mediated mostly through differences in timing of first birth , the significance of which was underlined above ( Kiernan 1987 ) .
22 I could go on for minutes on end .
23 School dragged on for month after month , year after year , with Rebecca Salmon going up to collect prize after prize on Speech Day .
24 Child suffers on for need of op
25 Sedgley was sent on for Walsh in order to protect the two-goal lead , and Hendry was given a couple of minutes at the end so that Lineker could take a well-earned breather .
26 The search is on for value for money , real or perceived , and food producers , processors and retailers at home and abroad are all after a share of your food pound .
27 Tragic family fights on for bear on grave
28 and it had things on for children like elocution classes and
29 During a civil action that has been going on for years over ownership , he was made a ward of court and his bones kept in shoe boxes in a bank . ’
30 Ahead , the wall goes on interminably for mile after mile to the distant swelling on the horizon marking the summit .
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