Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The third term reforms to local government , the ‘ inner-city ’ policies , were much less about doing good for the poor and arresting decline and decay than about undermining Labour 's power bases .
2 In the seventeenth century army service had sometimes offered to ambitious men of low birth the prospect of raising themselves in the social scale , and perhaps of acquiring nobility for themselves and their descendants .
3 He seems to have decided long before assuming responsibility for the government of Northern Nigeria that in general some form of indirect administration was ‘ in accordance with the spirit of British colonial rule ’ , which was benevolent and not ‘ arbitrary and despotic ’ .
4 The exercise proved valuable not only in securing support for the projects but also in identifying issues requiring clarification or more closely reasoned argument .
5 This should be checked at regular intervals and especially on commencing work for the day .
6 It is only by teaching respect for one another that different races can live peacefully together .
7 His death , in such strange circumstances , comes soon after beginning work for Brian Harley who , after so little success over the last few years , has suddenly come good .
8 The position of Rathbone and the NUSEC was potentially more radical than pre-War feminists because they were grappling with two new issues , first , the need to improve women 's economic position in the family ( earlier feminists had suggested celibacy as the only alternative to ‘ marriage as a trade ’ ) , and second , the necessity to get away from defining equality for women on men 's terms .
9 He then dried the hair off slightly before applying mousse for a stiffer effect .
10 The unit was featured on BBC2 's Gardeners World , and Brian is fully geared up to meeting demand for the new pond season .
11 What he discovered is that these ‘ disciplines ’ were not really about uncovering truth for its own sake ; the ‘ knowledge ’ they generated was inseparable from and instrumental in ‘ techniques of domination ’ .
12 This was so demonstrably unfair that SAVE was able to hit back by seeking leave for judicial review .
13 To them it represented infinite riches , well worth committing murder for .
14 Well if he was there and you came along well that 's two people , so it 's not that secluded , okay , so we have to look on the positive side , if at the end of the day you 're going to get to a situation where , okay , you can see that the ordinary erm true blue course of events is just not gon na work , then it 's down to you , you have then got to make up your own mind what you 're going to do for the casualty and your own safety , okay , if somebody had been bleeding that long and you could n't of got help for them , what would your priority now probably be ?
15 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
16 Perhaps you are blaming others for your stuckness , instead of taking responsibility for your own life ?
17 Paradoxically , therefore , instead of providing refuge for those fleeing from the countryside , the very existence of these fortified towns drew the attention of the invader to them .
18 Instead of seeking revenge for PE 's criticism of the service , which the band claims responds slower to black callers than to white , the ambulancemen invited Flavor Flav to ride with a medical emergency crew .
19 Instead of seeking praise for ourselves , we begin to worship God .
20 There are all kinds of reasons for Africa 's food problems — rich and precious land being used for cash crops instead of to grow food for local people ; a much smaller proportion of land fertile enough for cultivation than is the case in Asia or Europe ; farmers being paid such pathetic prices for food crops that they turn to coffee or tobacco in order to survive .
21 Instead of measuring volatility for a sequence of non-overlapping periods ( days , say ) , as have previous authors , Park and Sears calculated volatility for the remaining period to delivery .
22 Instead of paying cash for each chance accepted would charity not benefit far more if 50p was paid for each dropped catch and missed stumping ?
23 Baker did well apart from losing possession for the Saints ' third goal while Wark earned a first half booking for a challenge on Banger .
24 Both futures prices and gilts are quoted clean ( i.e. without making allowance for accrued interest ) .
25 The worker was eventually to benefit from better conditions of work ; for the moment , electricity probably affected him most by providing transport for travel to his work from greater distances .
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