Example sentences of "[adv] [noun sg] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This liability would only be avoided if careful records of the sources of drugs were kept so as to pass on liability to the manufacturer responsible for any defect .
2 Specific work on it in secondary schools is often essential in order to break down resistance to the subject .
3 The key portfolios — Petroleum Resources , Finance and Economic Planning , and External Affairs — remained unchanged in the new Cabinet , which included two new ministers : Clement Akpamgbo ( Minister of Justice and Attorney General ) , hitherto president of the Nigerian Bar Association , and Sam Oyovbaire ( Minister of Information and Culture ) , hitherto adviser to the Vice-President .
4 Palmerston , with the longest speech of the debate , started by saying that Members would not be committed by the present vote to any style , as nothing would be decided until next session , and attacked Manners for approving ‘ the erection of so frightful a building ’ , involving expenses and perhaps disappointment to the architect without consulting the House .
5 They can be extremely irritant to the skin and have a very low degree of bio-degradability in purification plants .
6 These are known to be extremely irritant to the skin and can cause asthmatic reactions in some people .
7 Was all this emotion merely suggestibility to the day 's teaching ?
8 Also two tours from the top take you down offpiste to the road , where by arrangement the hotel bus will pick you up .
9 Many of the papers carried photographs of Dobson and Creed side by side , Dobson 's arm around Creed 's shoulder , as if Creed was not only heir to the business , but also a son .
10 Only drawback to the scene is that it is obvious the Allisons are throttled back to keep pace with the T–6s and the helicopter cameraship .
11 And in fact one nine o'clock back to the tent .
12 ‘ Access ’ has been a key-word in the discussion of the handicapped in libraries , not only access to the building but also access to the materials and services and to the information , knowledge , and entertainment contained within those materials .
13 It could be seen in some cases as , maybe escapism , we do n't give enough thought to the wife and kids who 've got dad er , er , in in court .
14 But housing experts and governments just have not given enough thought to the type of building materials that developing countries need .
15 More are likely to be ill informed , to take little interest in politics , and perhaps to give rather less thought to the casting of a vote than to the marking of a pools coupon .
16 However , even in this case , unless the parties agree otherwise , the buyer must bear the ‘ risk of deterioration necessarily incident to the course of transit , ’ section 33 .
17 He devoted much thought to the shape of the future church .
18 Burn , Angell and Pownall were examined on their part in the judging ; Coe , Scott and Charles Barry junior as competitors ; and Sir Charles Barry as an architect who had ‘ directed much thought to the subject ’ .
19 The results of Western individualism today are individual buildings with no art or , if there is any art , it pays only lip-service to the idea .
20 The problem of assessing which of the team members has made a large enough contribution to the result to warrant their name appearing in the author list for the published paper is rather difficult .
21 The problem of assessing which of the team members has made a large enough contribution to the result to warrant their name appearing in the author list for the published paper is rather difficult .
22 Nor was it much consolation to the church that the extension of prohibitions was less the result of deliberate crown policy ( though the king certainly assisted by the provision of new writs ) than of popular demand among suitors , often clergy litigating against clergy .
23 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
24 It is not designed to undermine the Caravan Sites Act 1968 , which requires local authorities to provide official gipsy sites for those who normally resort to the area .
25 Turn right along the river , left over waterfall to the alley into Abbey St. and back into Long St.
26 Yes , if you , you do n't have , do you want to chart it up , or do you want to just feedback to the group ?
27 Family life needs a bit of tolerance on both sides — not recourse to the law .
28 For example , the hospital treatments that GPs can purchase were limited to standard relatively inexpensive procedures which the GP could easily diagnose and cost ; the costs a practice would bear for any one patient were limited to a maximum of £5,000 ( after this the DHA picks up the bill ) , and finally entry to the scheme was limited to large , well-managed practices .
29 Meanwhile opposition to the treaty in France mounted .
30 These include traditional accountability to parliament or elected councillors , the courts and regulatory watchdogs to ensure standards of probity , impartiality and due process ; managerial accountability within the departmental hierarchy for results achieved , including economy and efficiency ; professional or peer group accountability for ethics and standards , and finally accountability to the service user and the local community .
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