Example sentences of "[adv] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 How can it seriously contemplate taking on responsibility for structure plans which , under the law , must form part of the framework of development plans covering Wales ?
2 Climbing sports originate for the most part from bush types ‘ sporting ’ extra long canes which still bear the same flowers as the parent .
3 So part of trig functions are probably what give most people more trouble that anything else on differentiation and
4 However there was a much more consistent union response in reaction to immediate concerns ( eg protection of wage levels and job security , health and safety ) than to issues involving a longer term perspective ( eg union involvement in decision making , job design ) .
5 Electronic communications , and especially computer to computer links , not only give the possibility of extra-efficient operations to TNCs within the network , but also give increasing competitive advantage over those outside .
6 ANEW crop of cookery books is springing up with all the vigour of hardy perennials ; neck-and-neck with growth in the garden is the arrival of publications on my doorstep , some fresh and new , some welcome revivals .
7 You must not use official equipment for private purposes — this includes the mail service , stationery , computerised equipment ( eg use of software packages for playing computer games ) , telephone facilities , vehicles , photocopiers , facsimile machines and any other resources which you have use of during your work .
8 Could a non-violent transition to socialism take place via socialist victories in liberal democratic elections , and perhaps participation in government coalitions with ‘ bourgeois ’ parties ?
9 New research has shown that UVA causes severe ageing changes in the skin of mice and it is virtually certain that humans get degenerative changes , too , and perhaps acceleration of skin cancers .
10 Forecasters may attempt to identify shifts as between , say : * preferences towards work and leisure orientations ; * preferences for individually determined as opposed to governmentally determined expenditure ( eg pressure for tax reductions , restricting local government expenditure etc ) ; * traditional authority/religious personal ethics as opposed to personal freedom and individualistic behaviour .
11 It would not escape to space in appreciable quantities , and so combination with surface materials provides the only repository .
12 This structural information includes measures of horizontal fragmentation ( eg number of trade unions involved in each bargaining group ) and also vertical fragmentation ( eg whether bargaining takes place wholly or in part at national , company , or plant level ) .
13 Punishment is just a word after all : nothing more than convenient political rhetoric meriting only lip-service from probation managers and practitioners poised at the ‘ window of opportunity ’ .
14 Recognise and write about some of the techniques and conventions of presentation in non-literary and media texts , and the effectiveness of their use in specific instances — eg structure of news stories , or the way television programmes and newspapers match style and content to targeted audiences .
15 The children do not make a direct transition from structured signs into English written grammar ; in fact , they rely on structures in ASL they already know , and this forms the basis of their task solution of writing down English from sign users .
16 Given a large enough supply of machine catalogues and enough flexibility of mind to give yourself different problems , an inventive woodworker could spend the entire winter playing this game .
17 I think it 's very good , because we as vets probably do n't spend anywhere near enough time with problem owners , problem dogs rather , and on that basis he is able to spend an hour and a half to two hours with each owner .
18 The alternative is that and I 'm being provocative quite deliberately , I am left with an impression that what the County Council have done is add together input from district councils to prepare its structure plan .
19 Not that they 'd had many takers , no more than fifty , mostly scum from prison camps attracted by the offer of good food , women and money .
20 As a result , customers are demanding not just expertise on information systems , but also effective project management and implementation skills , industry sector knowledge and suitable support services .
21 Even in the Petitioners case , where less emphasis is placed upon status , the Court does not resort to treaty arguments and indeed could not do so , for there was no treaty right of petition .
22 The privatization which handed over administration of benefit payments to employers was the brainchild of Sir Norman do I need to say more ?
23 The Lords in MPC v Caldwell [ 1982 ] AC 341 did not advert to deception offences when determining the law of objective recklessness .
24 They are a I mean , quite honestly these courses are these things erm they 're not gon na do them you know , they 're not just sort of fairy things you 've got quite a bit of erm thinking to do and and so on and they 're pretty exhausting !
25 He would have been very satisfied to know what a comfort Steven has been to our family , how understanding , how supportive a friend in time of need , a valuable help to us in everything from fixing the car , taking over day to day decisions affecting the business/work/ Annabelle 's job , to just being there when we wanted advice and assistance .
26 Now we produce erm about half a million or 550,000 units a year , that is not volume in world terms er we acknowledge that we compete in some of the volume sectors , but increasingly as our new products are introduced , we 're very careful to put them in discrete market segments or in niches .
27 Indeed , in the 1960s and 1970s , deliberate over issuance of Treasury bills was the way in which the Bank of England enforced Bank Rate .
28 Sprinkle over macaroni with sesame seeds .
29 The Bill would make it illegal to carry on business with tax havens .
30 He took the paintings to Christie 's who expressed interest in them and , at the same time , he contacted the plaintiffs who carried on business as art dealers at a London gallery specialising in the German expressionist school .
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