Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm actually going to go in for it in the Telegraph 's competition , so I may as well use the same team for our one if it gets going .
2 A rat as big as a cat scurried down a steep slope and a small bush slid down after it in the torrential downpour .
3 There are billions of galaxies much like it in the Universe .
4 ‘ A Scotch , please — plenty of soda , ’ said Greg , and settled down with it into the sofa .
5 linked in with it at the moment .
6 Jasper sensed some of this and vowed not to go along with it in the sheeplike fashion of the others .
7 Crowds of spectators were thronging the sides of the narrow road which led down from it into the village and , after Vitor had hurriedly found a parking place , they joined them .
8 she 's obviously in it for the bet .
9 I 'm only in it for the fund-raising !
10 Kim 's only in it for the money .
11 ‘ I agree , but then he was only in it for the money .
12 This completes the picture of the perfect rock'n'roll group ; a tidal wave of Jack Daniels coolness , that carried all before it at the Stadium .
13 But there does n't seem to be much in it for the peoples themselves .
14 There seems little doubt that Trow Gill once brought down a stream , this entering as a waterfall at the gap now occupied by boulders , and this theory is confirmed by the dry channel coming directly down to it from the heights above .
15 As with Frankie , so much of the pleasure is bound up with the sense of something breaking out all over the surfaces of everyday life , and you being in on it from the start .
16 There 's a little row that goes down beside it round the back , I never knew there was .
17 While ideally this should be the chairman there may be someone even better at it in the group .
18 So clearly now , the , there 's some merit in looking afresh at it in the light of five B , being able to match the kind of funding that 's available there .
19 The villagers looked down at it with the satisfaction of those who could n't swim and certainly would n't want to try .
20 ‘ So why not bring a little of it into the office ? ’
21 This can now be seen at Scotland 's only Thai restaurant , Buntom 's in Nelson Street , the proprietors having given most generously for it to the cause .
22 Having quoted the opening of Gormenghast in 1.4 as an example of an opaque style , we shall now return to another passage which occurs shortly after it in the same novel .
23 Their prey this morning was Lawn House , lying just below it on the hillside .
24 Will he get away with it for the rest of his life ? ’
25 ‘ If I can get drunk enough on this stuff I might be able to get away with it at the next repatriation board . ’
26 Scotland seem to have got away with it at the moment .
27 But then there were the terns getting away with it on the other side of the window . ’
28 That does n't mean to say that you 'd have let them necessarily get away with it on the spot but you you 're still going to do a persuasive tact but in the end if they say no fine .
29 Managers need to be alert to the influences that in combination persuade staff to take ( and condone others taking ) short cuts through the safety rules and procedures because , mistakenly , the perceived benefits outweigh the risks , and they have perhaps got away with it in the past .
30 Tap , tap , tap , sparks flying everywhere and we were just above it with the cranes , waiting to fill the big ladles .
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