Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bannen tried to take his son 's hand , but his fingers passed right through the simularity field .
2 With a dado rail you would hang all of one type first , but we did n't do this as we needed both pieces wet so we could cut right through the overlap point with a sharp knife and remove both pieces of waste to leave a perfect butt joint .
3 ‘ There is a solid look right through the Portadown team and they have good back-up as well if players are injured or suspended . ’
4 The agouti , a long-legged rodent that forages nervously on the forest floor , has chisel-sharp front teeth that can cut right through the Brazil nut shell and extract the rich kernel .
5 Relatively recently , feminist scholars , now drawn closer through common experience to an older generation many of whose values they had challenged , have extended their concerns and pushed forward a more subtle questioning of women 's experience of ageing and how it might differ from men 's as a result of inequalities right through the life cycle .
6 In the past , death struck right through the life cycle .
7 His red beard has grown very long , right through the stone table ; when it has encircled the table three times it will be the time of awakening .
8 In particular , eruptions vary in size ; some , but not all , penetrate right through the boundary layer and contribute to the intermittency at its outer edge .
9 I knocked on it but it was so dilapidated that I could see right through the door frame and into a large room where a man was sitting in a kitchen chair , dressed in trousers and vest .
10 ‘ We went right through the town centre and all the people doing their Saturday shopping stood and clapped and shouted messages of support as we went by . ’
11 This year 's battle of the budget is generating more anguish than any for years , John Major 's cabinet now realize what a parliamentary mess December might turn into with week-long debates on both the Queen 's speech and the budget to pack in , and worse to come in the spring , a budget combining taxes with public spending seemed a good idea at the time Norman Lamont announced it , but with November the thirtieth just a month away the political down-side is appearing , of course with a fifty billion pound deficit in the Government 's accounts this years spending round would have been hard pounding anyhow , but the usual noisy haggle over the available cash among departments is now amplified by posses of Tory backbenchers trying to head off this or that tax increase , and there 's an incentive to keep that up right through the finance bill after Christmas , since most new taxes would not come in until April .
12 It looks like they 're going to announce it by stealth , one pit at a time and take it right through the review procedure at three month stages .
13 But it projected enthusiasm , delight and knowledge right through the television screen and it made Peter within a few months well-known to millions of people who had never imagined that they had any interest in natural history .
14 In the presence of a few hundred Masai , the young warrior hurled his spear right through the district officer 's heart .
15 Among the many tours available , the Ghost Walk of York will take you on a quite literally ‘ haunting ’ tour , while a river tour along the Ouse takes you right through the city centre .
16 He guessed that somewhere aboard the survey vessel a meeting was in progress to determine whether or not the quarantine regulations were to be obeyed , and whether that adherence meant that he ought to be abandoned .
17 It is worth saying that this Bill has nothing to do with privatisation or the Rothschild report ; it will give the tools to British Coal so that it can compete successfully for the coal contract post-April 1993 .
18 And somewhere through the hotel muzak lurks the sensation that things used to be different , that we ( my brother and I ) had n't always been wrapped in jumpers , silent , staring at the screen , that the days used to be hot and long .
19 Which seemed to imply that Balliol had crossed the Fintry and Campsie Fells and was still heading southwards , presumably for the Clyde valley .
20 Her face was a tragic mask , that of a woman who has sent all her sons to a war and waits hourly for the death telegram .
21 Several commercial pantographs are available , mostly for the BBC Micro , and some are even offered in kit form for the adventurous to build for themselves .
22 Trade unions were already suffering , and the implementation of the decision to return to the gold standard augured badly for the staple export industries .
23 The the Weber parts for the Weber clarinet conc concertino are somewhere between the music library in Nottingham and the library here and should reach me a week tomorrow .
24 They took to the path with gusto , he finding the line somewhere between the nearside bank and the middle ridge , while the other more or less followed in the wake , content to orchestrate himself around the camera with his umbrella .
25 Thankfully for the Hibs manager , Reid 's ankle is not broken as was first feared but he is doubtful for Saturday 's match against Airdrie which could result in a recall for John Burridge .
26 The general rule is that problems which can not be solved at lower levels are referred upward through the organisation structure until the problem reaches an official with enough authority and power to solve the problem .
27 It bucked wildly in the night sky , as if deciding whether or not Richard Branson had been lucky enough already , then righted itself and plied on through the night sky , swift and inviolate .
28 Creggan moved on through the night wind .
29 Away from the prying eyes of the world , the newlyweds sailed the Aegean and Ionian Seas and on through the Suez Canal .
30 She could hear the rising engine-note of the Corporation buses as they pulled away from the stop at the corner , coming from nowhere either of them had ever heard of , going on through the gathering winter dusk to destinations equally obscure .
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