Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun sg] or " in BNC.

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1 After primary fermentation the beer is stored ( the German word is ‘ lagered ’ ) for a short time but rarely for the month or more that is standard abroad .
2 ‘ I do n't want to go on about the amount or work — everybody works hard .
3 The results relate to well-controlled , essentially ideal conditions but may reveal little about the effectiveness or safety of a procedure in widespread use in ordinary clinical practice .
4 This does n't mean that you have to spend a fortune on tools , but beware of cheap spanners and screwdrivers which may not be strong enough for the job or of cheap hammers which may lose their heads .
5 So there I am , during this rather romantic conversation , toying with the little hairs in it 's ears , not knowing whether I should try and get in through the snout or what — but it had a happy ending .
6 The pump is connected through the outer tray and draws water in through the gravel or charcoal , and then through the filter elements into the pump for discharge as a fountain or waterfall .
7 Certain languages have still not been written down ; others exist in written form only as the Bible or sections of it .
8 They stood on their ends in the inward sloping shelves for a fortnight or so when they came in during the spring or early summer .
9 Military and associated groups are not entirely blameless , as testified by the number of ration pack items discarded and it should be the duty of all in charge of such groups to ensure rubbish is brought down off the hill or from campsites .
10 Little considerations such as replacing a magazine in the rack rather than leaving it lying on the couch , bringing the milk in off the step or refilling the ice cube tray , and a thousand little tailor-made considerations .
11 The wh he said in fact it 's just come in for the programme or something has n't it .
12 At the same time , it often seems well nigh impossible — especially for the tyro or greenhorn — to visit a museum and learn anything that serious educators would agree to describe as significant or ‘ worthwhile ’ .
13 Often , it is only after the story or the joke that they realise that this was no joke , that this contained important elements of the truth .
14 Either may arise only after the performance or occurrence of some particular acts .
15 It is also an image which tells us that , it Gide 's contribution to the liberation of the subjugated was as a writer , it is also true that he exemplified the writer 's inevitably exploitative relation to the same , and that this exploitation persists as an aesthetic mode long after the blindness or impossibility of desire was acknowledged .
16 Prefabricated units are not necessarily of the shape or length desired and , when something special is needed , the waterfall can be made with concrete , although some suppliers suggest that a presentable feature can be constructed using a pool liner .
17 But before you install one , especially of the coal or gas-burning variety , which needs the correct flue conditions so that harmful fumes are expelled , there are a few things you must check .
18 There is a common rule to follow regardless of the style or the function of a report .
19 Regardless of the guilt or innocence of the defendants , of their social status , and of the humanity of the law relating to homosexuality , the Winchester trial provides , by itself , ample reason for an inquiry into the present methods of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Police .
20 The uniform ‘ polis ’ , by contrast , feels that regardless of the offence or its value , he is primarily dealing ‘ at first hand ’ with ‘ prigs ’ and is thus fulfilling another metaphorically prized position as ‘ a good collar feeler ’ .
21 This was regardless of the unpopularity or obnoxiousness of the views that were being expressed — and protected .
22 We attempted to avoid this bias by offering endoscopy to every asthmatic patient regardless of the presence or absence of reflux symptoms .
23 A negative test in an anaemic patient can not exclude the possibility of carcinoma of the colon and therefore patients with iron deficiency anaemia should be investigated for this regardless of the presence or absence of frank or occult faecal bleeding .
24 Researchers are currently developing a blood test which can be offered to all pregnant women , regardless of the age or medical history .
25 Release without consent will be a crime , regardless of the innocuousness or otherwise of the organism .
26 Some banks , such as National Westminster , charge a one-off rate of £3.50 per transaction regardless of the amount or number of different currencies required .
27 If a transaction relating to English land is within the legislation regardless of the identity or whereabouts of the other party to the transaction , why should not this equally be so with regard to a transaction relating to shares in an English company ?
28 Adobe will use Verity 's Topic document-retrieval engine in future products based on the Carousel document system , which is being designed to enable users to communicate electronic documents between MS-DOS , Windows , Unix and Macintosh systems , regardless of the application or computing environment used for creation .
29 Here the toe of the club should point straight up into the air , the clubshaft should be on the plane established at address and the back of the left wrist should be facing outwards , not turned down towards the ground or facing the sky .
30 ‘ The firm name used by a multi-national partnership shall consist only of the name or names of one or more lawyers , being present or former principals of either the multi-national partnership or a predecessor legal practice , together with , if desired , other conventional references to the firm and to such persons ; or a name approved in writing by the Council as the name of the multi-national partnership or of a predecessor legal practice . ’
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