Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Summerill is staying on as chairman for the time being .
2 Despite general neglect of the country 's heritage , restoration is a popular topic for debate , perhaps as compensation for the lack of action .
3 A relatively strong force of fighters approached Malta on 11 April , apparently as cover for a Luftwaffe reconnaissance aircraft .
4 Peter received some firm words and was made to stay inside during breaktime for the next day .
5 ‘ I 've said I 'll stand in as coach for the under-fifteens .
6 It was only fair that Neil Kinnock should be allowed to relinquish his post quickly , although the possibility of Roy Hattersley stepping in as deputy for a few months was ruled out too early .
7 Walesa was sworn in as President for a five-year term on Dec. 22 .
8 Such is 53 : The reader will have noticed the complete absence of the first person , as the Poet , fully caught up in his task , existed merely as vehicle for the other 's praise .
9 If you do it through A B S A , the government will give another ten thousand pounds so of course for the orchestra or the institution whether it 's opera , ballet , concert or whatever is , but it must be arts gets the extra money so of course that in a sense is very enabling .
10 On her properties she usually thought only of leasehold for the most superior housing , as at Alderley Edge , where the houses had between one and five acres each .
11 Pictures of the chairman ten years ago or the old plant before the renovations are only of interest for the company history and are definitely not for current use .
12 The house alone had been like a dream come true after the two-bedroomed flat on the outskirts of Stirling where she and her mother had lived in near penury for the past seven years since Shiona 's father 's death .
13 This , along with research for a new book which is ‘ under wraps at the moment ’ , will take him back to India for the next six months .
14 ‘ My description will be Community Representative which I hope will result in an organisation with ideals to put the community and its needs first and will defend the high moral ground in politics together with support for the have-nots . ’
15 It also seated about 300 together with room for a choir of 215 .
16 We went from one corner of the country to another and we stayed in palaces and magnificent hotels and played in beautiful little theatres , and then two weeks later , we 'd be in a dark bungalow with cockroaches and snakes in the loo , where they had desks tied together with string for a stage .
17 On May 12 , members of the Parachute Regiment were alleged to have assaulted staff and customers in several public houses in the predominantly nationalist town , apparently in revenge for an earlier IRA bomb in the area which had injured a colleague .
18 A Roman Catholic taxi driver was shot and badly injured on Nov. 13 by loyalist paramilitaries apparently in retaliation for the IRA murders .
19 It is known that youths grew their hair long in preparation for a ritual offering of a lock of hair to the deity .
20 And he waited far too long in prison for a place to be made available in hospital .
21 The guns were loaded , their portfires smoking gently in readiness for the French .
22 In recent years , strong parish based courses — especially in preparation for the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation — have grown up and schools have been happy to change their programme accordingly .
23 Thanks to our twice weekly lessons , Olivia and I had now become confident enough in Hindi for the practice of it to become enjoyable rather than tiresome — if only because people were so surprised to hear any non-Indian speak even the most stumbling version of it .
24 With regard to sinusoidal signals that are small enough in amplitude for the network response to be effectively linear , whatever the frequency the result embodied in equations ( 10.2 ) is conveniently expressed in terms of phasors .
25 The acknowledged leader in modern first editions , which have been greatly in vogue for the last two years .
26 ‘ Having regard to the terms of the contract , the conduct of the parties and the circumstances of the case , I have no doubt that the property was not intended to pass in this case on contract but only in exchange for a valid building society cheque , but even if it may be regarded as intended to pass in exchange for a false , but believed genuine , building society cheque it will not in my view avail the insurers . ’
27 ( 1 ) No doubt everyone who sells property in exchange for a cheque intends to sell only in exchange for a valid cheque .
28 After what seemed ages , Dustin thought he might be willing to co-star in John and Mary if only in gratitude for the bit of play-doctoring the two visitors had done .
29 The main source for the history of Jacobitism is the Stuart papers , but they have survived only in part for the period before 1715 , since the Stuart papers kept at the Scots College in Paris were almost totally destroyed by fire during the French Revolution .
30 He is also fiercely protective of that unbeaten record despite constantly saying that he 's only in boxing for the money .
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