Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [det] than " in BNC.

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1 Then I was here alone for no more than a few seconds .
2 He had long marked her down as a less than sociable woman who appeared to nurse some secret grievance .
3 The last of those three comments was , it is true , written almost fifteen years ago , long before the more than ‘ adequate ’ gay images of My Beautiful Laundrette or Law of Desire or Torch Song Trilogy , but I think the general point stands : before we stampede to dispense with ‘ identity ’ , let us consider whether it still has its uses as a rallying point for political action .
4 First year pruning will take each stem of a bush rose down to no more than 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) , cutting where possible to suitable outward-pointing buds .
5 Zurich is an essential part of one of the regions inviting exploration , north Switzerland , which tourists are inclined to pass through with no more than an approving nod , rather than lingering to find out .
6 That children also lingered in foster homes without any definite plan for their future care was taken seriously , but the indictment was levied more against the former than the latter .
7 Their compositions fall into two major groups : copper , usually with no more than traces of other elements ; and alloys , either tin-bronze or leaded tin-bronze .
8 Alan got off to a less than
9 And within was empty darkness , fenced off by no more than a ridge of soil .
10 The IRA regards both as no more than gangster bands .
11 From seeming to be a parable or a satire , it ends up as no more than a glimpse of the stunted mentality of a twosome .
12 Cork , under new manager Damian Richardson , scrambled a 1-0 win over Monaghan on the opening day of the championship and followed that up with a less than impressive 0-0 draw at Galway on Wednesday .
13 The reason they have this versatility is that they are able to join up with no fewer than four other atoms at a time , to form chains or networks .
14 The UN felt swamped by the quality and quantity of NATO staff work — NATO planners turned up with no fewer than five bound volumes — in the initial stages of the joint operation that was set up to keep the peace in Bosnia should the Bosnian Serbs join the Croats and Muslims in accepting the Vance-Owen peace plan .
15 Along with the mingling of the genres go the other stylistic features of a rather modish postmodernism : pastiche ; montage ; paraphrase ; parody ; allusion ; quotation ; often adding up to no more than a cultivated divertissement .
16 According to Swayne , it is the creature 's habit to be out for no more than half an hour at night . ’
17 She barely had time to assimilate the sudden rapid rise and fall of his chest before her head was wrenched back with a less than gentle hand and her mouth was captured by his .
18 The film ran in every major city of Germany in late 1940 and early 1941 , and simultaneously in no fewer than sixty-six Berlin cinemas .
19 During my spell on the late desk I went out on no fewer than eleven murders .
20 MBO and venture capital fund investors are only slowly appreciating that the trade-off for the lower risk inherent in transactions that are more carefully selected and more conservatively structured than those typical in the mid-eighties has to be lower anticipated rates of return , whether the exit is via a trade sale or a flotation on to a less than receptive equity market .
21 Eliot , " the first , longest and best " classical detective story , Wilkie Collins ' The Moonstone ( Read it if you have n't done so. ) managed very well with no more than the theft of a diamond .
22 The claim that unschooled Wolof children have not developed the ‘ logical functions ’ of language will appear then as no more than a statement that the conventions in which their thinking is expressed are different from those of the researcher herself .
23 The worst case was in July 1989 when an alternator set fell off at around 100mph at Harrow on the main line into Euston and caused a major derailment , fortunately with no more than a few injuries .
24 He looked at the copper bosom covers she had to wear as a belly dancer — and then at the less than fully-endowed nature of Miss Harris 's bust and said cuttingly , ‘ Which way up are they supposed to go ? ’
25 Maria Magdalena and Caribbean Queen cleared Key Canaka thirty metres apart with no more than a bowsprit between them .
26 Like those of neighbouring Bouzy , they possess qualities somewhere between the solid , full-bodied and strongly perfumed Verzenay and the smooth , exceptionally aromatic Aÿ but their great strength and vinosity edges them closer to the former than the latter .
27 On a scale of judicial independence the British courts would be somewhere between those of the United States and the former Soviet Union , but rather closer to the former than the latter .
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