Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I was walking my dog right through the common and this great big black fat hairy man came along and sharpened his great big long tool into , into this cattle , the bad thing about it was the fucking cow exploded
2 However , although Professor Plumb suggests the participation of " better-off " tradesmen he clearly sees the leisure industry as catering mostly for the expanding and increasingly prosperous middle class .
3 Second , it actually overrides the differences between animate and inanimate , and thereby between the personal and impersonal , by perpetuating the myth of the universe as one big ‘ thing ’ , usually thought of in personal terms — as in the idea of ‘ mother earth ’ .
4 Most contemporary feminist politics is somewhere between the first and second stages , that is , it oscillates between deploring and celebrating difference , between the negative and positive motivations I outlined above , without realistically expecting — yet — to transcend current gender divisions .
5 A dog with more breeds in its blood than hairs on its back foamed and yapped at them from the limit of its rope ; the curtains of several trailers were drawn back by shadowy witnesses ; two girls in early adolescence , both with hair so long and blonde they looked to have been baptized in gold ( unlikely beauty , in such a place ) rose from beside the fire , one running as if to alert guards , the other watching the newcomers with a smile somewhere between the seraphic and the cretinous on her face .
6 A well illustrated book was needed that would fit somewhere between the academic and the tourist market and i t was needed quickly .
7 Strenuous laybacking for 40 feet or so brings better holds , allowing exhilaratingly steep bridging , and the whole rope will have run out by the time you pull onto the platform at the top , all too soon for the fit , but thankfully for the tired or those leading at their limit , as I was on this occasion .
8 As the recession 's gone on through the eighties and enters the nineties , we can see that the number of single households , households with just one person , is increasing rapidly .
9 So Tallis described what she could sense , and then they moved on through the silent and deathly place , watching the dying and the dead with caution .
10 Only the United Kingdom economy performed as badly during the seventies and it has always been near the bottom of the league .
11 Yet years on how come that it is Cecil who is regarded mostly as a flawed but well meaning sweety-pie and Miss Keays as someone who has all the charisma of an old battleaxe ?
12 The name " phenomenological " betrays its origins in University departments , but in ordinary language this approach is usually referred to loosely as the multi-faith or world religions approach .
13 The Z1 Carbonate is also widely referred to as the Zechsteinkalk and in N.E. England it is known locally as the Lower and Middle Magnesian Limestone ( Brueren 1959 ; Füchtbauer 1964 and 1972 ; Richter-Bernburg 1955 ; Rhys 1975 ; Smith 1980 ; Taylor 1981 ; Taylor and Colter 1975 ; van Adrichem-Boogaert and Burgers 1983 ; Wagner et al .
14 What the right hon. and learned Gentleman said then has , over time , come to be seen yet more acutely as a cogent and sensible analysis of the needs of Scotland as we approach the end of the century .
15 My Lord er in paragraph three fourteen of the statement of claim there is an important fact er which is a fact that is admitted by the defendant which is this that had the defendant on the plaintiff 's behalf taken the opportunity which was open to the plaintiff by virtue of national condition twenty two which should say and served a special notice to complete upon the vendors on about the eighteenth or the twenty second of October , the contract would in fact have been rescinded on the thirteenth or the nineteenth of November nineteen eighty five and the plaintiff would therefore have been able to get out of the contract and that , as I say , is admitted in the amended dissent .
16 National pamphleteers remote from the social relations of the villages might rant on about the idle and undeserving poor , but relief at local level was in the hands of the annually elected parish overseers supervised by the vestry meeting , and they knew their own poor well enough .
17 It is difficult to assess the significance of the various negotiations which went on between the British and the Indians during the early stages of the war .
18 His preparing himself so keenly for a new and final phase of the war , and then not seeing even the beginning of it , was the final irony .
19 Second , the age at which people marry is closely related to their ability to set up an independent household , and for women who married under the age of 20 the numbers sharing accommodation with relatives changed little between the 1950s and the 1970s ( Holman , 1981 ) .
20 At the same time , the public hears little about a surprising and important discovery — not an assumption — of psychometrics .
21 The eucharistic theology of the new Elizabethan church also hovered uneasily between the Lutheran and Reformed positions .
22 The tube I was in on Wednesday had to go slowly through a deserted and evacuated Victoria Station and one 's heart beats a little fast wondering if something will go off .
23 These have led colleges , departments and individual staff members to recognise the need to provide effectively for a multi-racial and multi- lingual student body .
24 It was the Friday after the twelfth was always the gatheri Glen Ayloch gathering and is yet , and is going on for a hundred and s something year a hundred and What did I we say a hundred and twenty years since it was started I think .
25 If the number 1 lefthand light is on for the 580 and the modular electronics and the number 1 righthand light on for earlier machines , then as we saw last month the first stitch of the pattern will fall to the right of the N1 cam , that is on needle number 14 to the left of centre .
26 The same data also show that London and the conurbations fared more badly between the mid-'60s and early '70s than either earlier or later and that , as Fothergill et al.
27 Long Valley Lad ( 9.15 ) looks good enough for the first and Kick The Ball ( 9.45 ) has a perfect Trap 6 draw .
28 Although particulate traps can be made to work effectively for short periods under favourable conditions there is some way to go before they are reliable enough for the rough and tumble of ordinary operating conditions .
29 It was also said that good motivation alone was not enough for the unemployed as training was necessary , however determined a person was to obtain employment .
30 An unexpected side effect of Cromer 's reform of the prison system was to make conditions inside prison better for the poor than they often were outside .
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