Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am assailed with feelings of irritation mixed with amusement at the number of pilots who , despite cheerfully paying many hundreds if not thousands of pounds on their chosen hobby , carp on about having to fork out three or four quid over the odds in selected landing fees , or as in the case of correspondent K. Foster £46 for a medical combined with an ECG .
2 ‘ I DO N'T feel much like going to Pack Meeting tonight , ’ said Penny sadly .
3 But there is a view , which is gaining political support , that suggests that the best way to guarantee a ‘ responsible and representative ’ media , especially with regard to broadcasting , is to remove all regulatory mechanisms altogether : for broadcasting to follow in the footsteps of the ‘ free ’ press .
4 This is often much more complicated , especially with regard to religion , than many people think .
5 Unfortunately , current trends , especially with regard to unemployment , are in the opposite direction .
6 The other main aim is to estimate the effects of macroeconomic policy on the delelopment of the economy over this period , especially with regard to unemployment , inflation and the rate of growth of output .
7 Along with learning to scuba dive , swim with dolphins , become an astronaut or climb Everest , one of my ambitions has always been to take time out to become really familiar with the business end of a recording studio .
8 As bedtime approaches , it 's as well to linger in the toilet to empty your bowels , or if your nerves are causing stomach jitters , take something , such as Imodium , to calm the situation down before going to sleep .
9 A Ministry Centre has also the opportunity to establish far closer links with the means and process of implementation especially in regard to publishing and distribution of materials , trial , follow up and evaluation in schools .
10 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
11 Patients were instructed to administer the enema once daily before retiring to bed and were warned that they may pass dark stools as a result of treatment .
12 So in migrating to architecture we 're very much focused on what are the real world problems and the real challenges that we need to face to deliver effective and workable solutions .
13 But as we gradually erm worked our way into the nineteen sixties , er there were new technologies er brought into focus in Brothers , and the design particularly in regard to the stabilizer , was one thing that er brought about a dramatic change er not only in regard to design but in production .
14 He investigates by going to places , tackling people , often but not always by shooting or slugging them , and often but not obligatorily so by going to bed with them .
15 COYHAIQUE , Chile ( AFP ) — President Pinochet said he has decided to abolish the secret police which he established 16 years ago , shortly after coming to power .
16 PS I do n't think you should marry that young man in the back row of the chorus , it 's too soon after going to bed with your horse dressed up as a Praetorian Guard .
17 Soon after coming to power , the Arena government instituted a new round of ‘ stabilization ’ measures in 1989 , including privatizations , currency devaluation and price hikes , particularly for public transport , which provoked a wave of popular discontent .
18 I showed her my January AIM , then she announced it was just like going to art school : she has had some training .
19 I showed her my January AIM , then she announced it was just like going to art school : she has had some training .
20 Now I 've been most places it 's just like going to work and doing your gig .
21 Furious , he got up to complain to his neighbour , only to discover that it was his own dog which he had accidently shut outside before going to bed .
22 Bradl was originally in line only for an RS250 until the former manager of Honda Germany , Kazuaki Ueda , won his battle for an NSR shortly before returning to HQ in Japan .
23 Crush a sugar lump and add it to the brandy in which the raisins were soaked ; warm the mixture , set it alight and drizzle it over the pudding just before bringing to table .
24 If so , you need a winding-down time just before going to bed .
25 Ensure that you have some physical exercise during the day — although not just before going to bed or your heart/pulse rate will increase and you will find sleeping even more difficult .
26 Going to court to resolve a dispute is rather like going to war .
27 He acts redemptively with regard to culture , which includes judgment on some elements , but also affirmation in other areas , and a transformation of the whole .
28 The Belgian-born actor has been plagued by have-a-go hard nuts ever since shooting to fame in bone-crunching movies like Double Impact and Universal Soldier .
29 Alternatively , you can switch off by listening to music , or think about something peaceful .
30 Towards the end of 1989 the Commission substantially stepped up its campaign for universal environmental controls within the EC , most notably with regard to drinking water standards , where it sought to advance its planned deadlines for water purity .
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