Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Erm only through working with the peasants surely .
2 This is reflected in Articles of Government made under the 1986 Act in the procedures laid down for dealing with the exclusion of pupils from school and with the appeals which might arise from exclusion .
3 At that time there were no instructions laid down for dealing with the radio pirate vessels and , although this particular vessel was outside territorial waters , there was no reason why a cutter should not make reasonable enquiries from vessels in close proximity to our coast .
4 Above them will be the set of newly retired warriors , while above this set will be sets of elders , their relative status depending on their social ages , who will be responsible for internal political and legal matters and perhaps for communicating with the gods .
5 It was reported on April 8 that Michel Mokuba Bokulo Mena , who had been appointed in the Cabinet reshuffle on March 28 , had resigned as Minister of Institutional Reforms apparently after disagreeing with the Prime Minister .
6 Long after breaking with the Campaign Group , Beckett was still offering comradely greetings to its supporters in its party conference newsletter .
7 I do n't feel much like juggling with the scheduling this morning . ’
8 " Too much like fraternising with the enemy ? "
9 If you do find that you have recorded an unsatisfactory shot , cut your losses there and then by reversing back to the beginning so that you can over-record with something better before continuing with the rest of the shoot .
10 Try reading the following passage aloud before continuing with the discussion .
11 Only in dealing with the events of 146 B.C. did he move towards the position of a cautious critic of Roman society and its methods of government .
12 Only in keeping with the bumper sticker , the driver is n't heading to work at all .
13 Salvation lies only in working with the system of redemptive choices .
14 Despite all the homilies from the PGA that professional golfers must help the sponsor in every way possible , especially by cooperating with the media and especially with television , Jack had been known to stride straight past a TV interviewer without a word .
15 This was then immediately scrubbed onto a piece of scrap paper until the charge of paint began to run out ; at that point a thin scumble was quickly put down by stabbing with the brush tip onto the background colouring .
16 The latter he can do only by depositing with the collector the whole amount of the duty .
17 Unless the price soars to beat £4.57 in the next week , it 's not worth bothering with the warrants .
18 Stress directs resources away from dealing with the job to dealing with the emotional discomfort and personal threat .
19 Any extra help they received was through the dedication of any class teacher who had enough energy left over from dealing with the demands of the class as a whole .
20 He set off after arranging with the girls that Terry would be sent off to meet them , alone , and Frank prevented from accompanying him .
21 Later in the war , as we shall see , the engineers ' struggle came close to merging with the larger pacifist cause : In 1916 , however , the brunt of resistance to the Military Service Act fell on those who were prepared to resist it directly — the conscientious objectors .
22 Three reasons are given by Bacon and Eltis : both Conservative and Labour governments , because of their adherence to Keynesian economics , were anxious to deal with unemployment quickly by tinkering with the economy ; because of the public demand for improved social services ; and because extra jobs in the public services could be provided cheaply and quickly since no extra capital investment was necessary as would be the case in industry .
23 Finish off by tying with the hanging loose end , cut away the surplus , and tuck it up into the collar out of sight to leave a neat and tidy tie .
24 London has got to stop being so dependent on Dublin and get on with dealing with the problems of Northern Ireland — only five per cent of which are constitutional . ’
25 He was going to carpet her not only for arresting a part-time MI6 agent for murder without sufficient evidence , but also for fraternising with the ‘ funnies ’ between the sheets .
26 They are of two sorts — those which are an integral part of the book , printed on the same paper and gathered up for binding with the rest of the sections ( though they will usually be paged separately ) ; and leaves or sections printed separately , sometimes on different paper altogether , which may even be of a different size .
27 An explosion of anti-Japanese riots in the early 1970s meant that Japan and her businessmen have had to step carefully in dealing with the area .
28 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
29 Shipman 's two-volume Story of the Cinema ( Hodder and Stoughton ) is also a very good read — the first volume goes up to Gone With The Wind and the second starts with Citizen Kane and reaches more or less the present day .
30 A bigger problem that converting between video standards is that fact that most older monitors are simply not up to working with the high resolutions that the PC needs .
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