Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is basic AIB practice that the investigating team carrying out the original field investigation follows the work right through all the stages of testing and researches to the ultimate production of the report , thus ensuring complete continuity throughout .
2 Hammond had a brush with the Commonwealth 's accounts committee in 1651 , but protested that he had accounted fully and properly for all the sums which he had received in all the three armies in which he had served ; he pointed out that his account from July 1649 on was with the army in Scotland , where by this time George Monck ( later first Duke of Albemarle , q.v. ) had succeeded him as lieutenant-general of the ordnance .
3 Debate on the Church went on through half the time available for discussion in the entire session , and revisions still had to be brought back for approval .
4 It forces the project leader to think clearly and rigorously about all the activities in the project in the planning phase .
5 It forces the project leader to think clearly and rigorously about all the activities in the project in the planning phase .
6 She keeps on about all the time , every time I 'm there .
7 We get sent all over erm the country , southern England I , I was sent to different hospitals to learn about different things , to learn about erm psychiatry and obstetrics and medicine and then erm you also do some er training back in your own hospital , but it 's not big enough for all the doctors to stay there all the time well the baby doctors .
8 Each geographical area served by different teams of people from different organizations needs to be small enough for all the individuals to get to know each other , so that good personal working relationships are fostered and liaison between services is optimized .
9 ‘ Good morning , Brother ! ’ he bellowed , loud enough for half the parish to hear .
10 Thank you very much for all the trouble .
11 The Committee is very grateful to its Secretary , , not only for all the work she has done for the committee but also for her work for ethnic minority students seeking pupillage .
12 An important step was to show that if the semiconductor is cooled sufficiently for all the electrons to be in the lowest permitted energy states , then the mobile electrons in the inversion layer can move only in two dimensions .
13 Halfway through 1979 the Ashleys finally moved into the main part of the château ; it was not completed for another two years and was to prove a far more major project than anyone had realized .
14 In each case , I do so for both the tutors and the learners , even though their needs do not really differ so much .
15 I would prefer that we accepted that Stella 's original notes defines the responsibility for forms literally for all the time .
16 send you these things , I go in for all the competitions and I never put a stamp on the envelope unless I 'm ordering something
17 But it was before they went in for all the cryptonyms and digraphs and five-letter codes because that 's what computers like … ’
18 What is then being measured is the progress of the pupil , and putting these together for all the pupils of a particular age in a school gives a far more accurate measure of a school 's effectiveness .
19 But the aroma of the food lingered long after all the sounds of movement had ceased .
20 Especially after all the hype about 15pt gap you 'd have thought that they 'd have been looking at the ‘ nearest rival trying to close the gap ! ! ’ .
21 W.C. Fields used one phrase which I 've always loved — especially after all the years I 've been married — he said , ‘ Elephants are just like women — nice to look at , but who wants to own one ? ’
22 The Ukraine called for the shutting down of all the reactors at the Chernobyl site in 1990 and urged that greater consideration be given to a new energy programme which eliminated nuclear power .
23 Perhaps of all the marquetry skills , the three veneer class brought out the most consistent high levels of artistic interpretation .
24 And perhaps of all the elements that can be used in a garden , water is the most fascinating .
25 Regardless of all the toing and froing in Christian periodicals regarding women in leadership roles , no one has ever come up with anything remotely convincing which would relieve husbands from the responsibility for the direction of their families .
26 He alone of all the Lionisers was unmoved by illusions of great men .
27 Alone of all the nations attending Rio , the USA refused to sign the Convention , chiefly on the grounds that it would prejudice the success of the US biotechnology industry .
28 Alone of all the nations attending Rio , the USA refused to sign the Convention , chiefly on the grounds that it would prejudice the success of the US biotechnology industry .
29 When the council had organized a festival to alert the people to the plight of Nicaragua , she alone of all the neighbours had climbed into the mobile coffee shop , which the council had provided , to drink Nicaraguan coffee and read the Nicaraguan posters which adorned the bulkheads and bulwarks of the van .
30 Alone of all the men who now surrounded him , Tobie carried the knowledge that the son of Katelina van Borselen belonged to Nicholas .
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