Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Money , well they tell me that people who have a lot of money are as stressed as those that do n't have it .
2 Other groups of reptiles were not exterminated at this time , even though their fossils may be found in rocks as old as those that yield dinosaurs and the other spectacular , extinct groups .
3 This must be a human felicity as high as any that is possible .
4 The polar habitats we see today are likely to be just as transitory as those that preceded them .
5 Opportunities for interaction with an adult will of necessity be reduced but , when they do occur , one would hope that , with the benefit of professional training , teachers would ensure these opportunities were at least as enabling as those that occur at home .
6 At this moment she looked to Joe like a witch and her voice and words sounded as ominous as any that could have been uttered by an authentic witch , as she hissed at him , ‘ I am more concerned about what happens to you than what a lot of stupid men do in their aim to kill each other .
7 It was as early as 1932 that Lincoln Kirstein 's subsequently very famous appraisal of Cagney as ‘ the first definitely metropolitan figure to become national ’ appeared and this particular theme was soon taken up in newspapers through America and Britain .
8 In August 1911 the diehard peers used language as violent as any that Law was to use later , and in the crucial decision on the House of Lords Law sided with the hedgers rather than the ditchers .
9 The proof of the pudding is in the eating , and the proof of people skills is that they make it as likely as possible that we achieve our objectives with people .
10 This plan makes it as likely as possible that I shall employ behaviours that are appropriate in two vital ways :
11 Most spectacular are the sea scorpions ( eurypterids ) , which include arthropods as large as any that have lived ( two.metres or more in length ) .
12 It is only when the two sides are as balanced as possible that you will be able to make maximum use of your mental faculties .
13 There was her grandmother , solid and real , who could offer her stories nearly as miraculous as those that Fenna told her and which would have the miraculous ponderousness of fact .
14 Where this routine is accompanied by a regular programme of sanding and turning the results are as good as any that can be achieved .
15 It was as late as 1970 that Muscat and Oman abolished slavery .
16 The changes with time are just as important as those that occur during spatial patterning and are indeed part of the process .
17 We 've tried to keep our our support group also you know to go back sort of as loose as possible that we have n't great great format of a chair and a secretary and a treasurer although we do have that frame work because we 've discovered we also needed some sort of structure .
18 Some of the rapids were as difficult as those that had been our undoing on the first day , but tackled with a bit of newly learned skill they were challenging and exhilarating rather than terrifying .
19 And to cap it all , it had to be on a case as weird as this that they sent him a Substitute Prosecutor who watched his performance with amused detachment .
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