Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] even than [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are less reliable even than the telephones . ’
2 Landau pointed out that there was another possible final state for a star , also with a limiting mass of about one or two times the mass of the sun but much smaller even than a white dwarf .
3 The spermatozoon is much smaller even than the ovum and , although it is a single cell it consists of a " head " and long tail , which propels the sperm by quivering .
4 In other words , either the present situation can be used as an opportunity to reform the system into something more rational and humane , or else it will deteriorate into something much worse even than the present .
5 Holidays spent in Swindon or Wales , a time of freedom from the severities of classroom timetables and disciplines , gave opportunities for naturalistic pursuits in a setting more favourable even than the widening circle of his weekend and holiday explorations of London and Surrey commons with Arthur Hardy or his own brothers , themselves an essential escape from domesticity , homework and discipline .
6 More splendid than her antique fan of ombré ostrich plumes or her green-black coq feather boa , more splendid even than the towering aigrette á la Pougy which she wore sometimes to go with the diamond .
7 At a slightly more abstract level , the unacknowledged influence of the functionalist model upon sociolinguistic theory is more pervasive even than the widespread use of the notion of prestige suggests ; an interesting example is Labov 's early definition of a speech community in terms of shared norms and common evaluation of the very linguistic variables which differentiate speakers ( Labov 1966 : 125 ) ; it is the emphasis on shared norms and values rather than on conflict which differentiates quite sharply Marxist and functionalist views of class .
8 But the economist added : ‘ Our analysis are much more negative even than the samizdat literature .
9 It 's permanently overcast , with frequent squalls of rain that burns like acid , more deadly even than the stuff that history says helped to kill Old Earth .
10 More powerful even than the scent of newly-mowed grass or flickering glimpses of sky was the scent of my mother in her peach halter , her back slender and white , and the forever-ish trickly sound of her high giggle , the giggle of delight and fresh sloping green hills .
11 ‘ My apologies to Attila , ’ Clemenceau once said , ‘ but the art of arranging how men are to live is more complex even than the art of massacring them . ’
12 In the case of elderly people these economic considerations seem somewhat more important even than the elderly person 's need for physical care .
13 More impressive even than the RS 's sheer power are it 's handling characteristics .
14 By far the most advanced type of Intelloid — artificial intelligence in non human form — and more capable even than the latest model of all-purpose , human-form , mandroid .
15 Perhaps more difficult even than the financial juggling is the isolation and loneliness .
16 Compared with the prolonged torment and mutilations of life on the ground , the knowledge that a pilot 's expectancy of survival was far poorer even than a machine-gunner 's could not detract from the infantryman 's envy ; even though death commonly meant being burned alive , at least it was quick , clean — and witnessed by thousands .
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