Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] even [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed this ‘ gender neutral ’ definition of sexism has become so prevalent even since the first edition of this book was written , it is necessary in this revised edition to be much more explicit about my use of the term .
2 They are less reliable even than the telephones . ’
3 Landau pointed out that there was another possible final state for a star , also with a limiting mass of about one or two times the mass of the sun but much smaller even than a white dwarf .
4 The spermatozoon is much smaller even than the ovum and , although it is a single cell it consists of a " head " and long tail , which propels the sperm by quivering .
5 In other words , either the present situation can be used as an opportunity to reform the system into something more rational and humane , or else it will deteriorate into something much worse even than the present .
6 Another interesting fact shown in the DVR accounts is that the average weekly number of employees has been reduced by only five even though the DVR now operates one railway .
7 Rommetveit argues that the sentence is not necessarily self-contradictory even if the individual referred to by the two nominal expressions is the same individual .
8 This was a new definition of poor — a depth of misery more nauseating even that the stink that still rose from my stained boots .
9 Holidays spent in Swindon or Wales , a time of freedom from the severities of classroom timetables and disciplines , gave opportunities for naturalistic pursuits in a setting more favourable even than the widening circle of his weekend and holiday explorations of London and Surrey commons with Arthur Hardy or his own brothers , themselves an essential escape from domesticity , homework and discipline .
10 More splendid than her antique fan of ombré ostrich plumes or her green-black coq feather boa , more splendid even than the towering aigrette á la Pougy which she wore sometimes to go with the diamond .
11 At a slightly more abstract level , the unacknowledged influence of the functionalist model upon sociolinguistic theory is more pervasive even than the widespread use of the notion of prestige suggests ; an interesting example is Labov 's early definition of a speech community in terms of shared norms and common evaluation of the very linguistic variables which differentiate speakers ( Labov 1966 : 125 ) ; it is the emphasis on shared norms and values rather than on conflict which differentiates quite sharply Marxist and functionalist views of class .
12 But the economist added : ‘ Our analysis are much more negative even than the samizdat literature .
13 It 's permanently overcast , with frequent squalls of rain that burns like acid , more deadly even than the stuff that history says helped to kill Old Earth .
14 More powerful even than the scent of newly-mowed grass or flickering glimpses of sky was the scent of my mother in her peach halter , her back slender and white , and the forever-ish trickly sound of her high giggle , the giggle of delight and fresh sloping green hills .
15 ‘ My apologies to Attila , ’ Clemenceau once said , ‘ but the art of arranging how men are to live is more complex even than the art of massacring them . ’
16 In the case of elderly people these economic considerations seem somewhat more important even than the elderly person 's need for physical care .
17 More impressive even than the RS 's sheer power are it 's handling characteristics .
18 By far the most advanced type of Intelloid — artificial intelligence in non human form — and more capable even than the latest model of all-purpose , human-form , mandroid .
19 Perhaps more difficult even than the financial juggling is the isolation and loneliness .
20 Visual acuity is often normal even when the field of vision is so poor that the child is registered as blind .
21 Where an officer of government in the exercise of his office obtains payment of moneys as and for a charge which the law enables him to demand and enforce , such moneys may be recovered back from him if it should afterwards turn out that they were not legally payable even though no protest was made or question raised at the time of payment .
22 Compared with the prolonged torment and mutilations of life on the ground , the knowledge that a pilot 's expectancy of survival was far poorer even than a machine-gunner 's could not detract from the infantryman 's envy ; even though death commonly meant being burned alive , at least it was quick , clean — and witnessed by thousands .
23 The way we touch , lift and support and the words which accompany actions all convey feelings to the person concerned : they may be experienced as hating or as loving even when the carer disclaims involvement .
24 It 's surprisingly good even though the presentiments of pig are confirmed by the taste .
25 I think to its detriment , it has been very white and it has been very historically specific , but the more I hear about what women are doing in Africa and India I think that the visions are very similar even though the words sometimes are different .
26 However clearly the market conditions are known and however closely the test conditions reproduce them , the conditions to which the product may be subjected during shipment are always unknown and can sometimes be very severe even when the market conditions are not particularly severe .
27 But I believe the figure should be erm a few thousand below erm the forty one thousand and to that extent I would agree with you that in practical terms erm it 's going to be very difficult even if the figure is twenty five , twenty six thousand , to stick to thirty one .
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